I Love You Forever

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Katsuki went to his temporary room to sleep when the party ended. He undressed into his nightwear and went to sleep. In the morning, he heard yelling that woke him. He sat up in bed and grunted as he rubbed his eyes. The blond put on his usual attire and opened the door.



"I'm trying to talk this out! You don't even listen to me!"


"I-I-I'm trying to say how I'm feeling! Then you tell me I can't marry Kacchan!"

The alpha stepped out to see Izuku walking quickly to his quarters with his mother following.

"I'm telling you, it isn't a good idea!"

"You're telling me I sound like a child! Mother, with what you are implying, right now does that sound mature to you!?"

"Clearly, it doesn't." Katsuki butted in, "She's emotionally inarticulate. Inko, instead of playing pretend in front of me, how about you be honest?"

Both green eyes of the two arguings looked at the tall alpha.

"Katsuki, good morning." Inko smile.

"Drop it." Katsuki glared at her.

Inko's smile turned into a scowl again.

"We have a future together. Kacchan will be king, and I will be queen. We will have an heir. We will be married." Izuku said calmly.

"You know how Katsuki is!" Inko yelled.

"You know what? Since you're a queen and all." Izuku looked away, "You know how kings and queens can disown their children? The role has reversed." He looked back again, his green eyes showing anger, "As future queen... You're no longer my mother... Inko."

The green-haired omega walked away. Izuku went into his bedroom and slammed the large wooden door. Katsuki looked back at the woman. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth opened in shock.

Did her son disown her?

Katsuki put his hand through his hair and sighed. He walked to the meeting room to see if king Toshinori was present. The blond knocked on the door.

"You may enter!"

Katsuki opened the door and walked to the table.


"Ah, young Bakugou. Please sit!"

The future king took a seat in one of the meeting chairs.

"Inko got into a quarrel with Izuku. She told him he can't marry me."

"Again?" The king sighed.


"For some reason, she has always been against it. She said it has to deal with your attitude and your mother?"

"My mother? Thats it! I know what's going on!" Katsuki stood up from the chair.

"What is it?" Toshinori stood from his chair as well.

"After my birth mother died, my father was supposed to remarry. Inko was hoping it was her since Izuku's father died, as well. However, my father picked someone else. That hag he married."

"Inko is envious, I see."


"I can tell you, she is happy with me. At times when Mitsuki gets mentioned, she changes the matter quickly."

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