The enemy

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About 48 hours have passed since the attack. The royal couple were in their bed cuddling. Izuku was fast asleep while his alpha had both strong arms around him. Katsuki could barely sleep the past couple of days. He was too worried about his mate. The small omega would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, thinking what Monoma did to him was happening all over again. It was the first-night Izuku didn't wake up screaming or have a nightmare. Katsuki was about to get out of bed and get ready for the day, but sadly, his omega's sleep had other plans.

"No..." The green-haired male mumbled.

With a quick motion, the blond king sat up and gently shook Izuku's shoulder.

"Izuku, wake up!"

Izuku's green orbs shot wide open and sat upright in the shared bed. His eyes darted around the room, searching for his alpha, tears streaming from them. His chest rises and falls from panic.

"A-alpha..." He quietly called out, panting.

Katsuki was quick to gently cup his face, having his omega look at him.

"I'm right here, love."

"Kacchan!" The small man sprung himself at his alpha.

The strong arms of the alpha were quick to wrap around Izuku, allowing his partner to press their face against his neck while emitting relaxing pheromones. All Katsuki could do was comfort the omega.

He did, however, see this as progress. His beautiful queen didn't wake up screaming. The taller rubbed circles on the omega's back.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan. It happened again." Izuku sniffled.

"It's okay, baby. You didn't scream this time." Katsuki kissed the side of his head, "That's progress."

The small omega lifted his head and looked at his hands. Seeing the scars from when he tackled Inko, stopping a knife, and her stabbing the other.

"First, my mother..." Izuku covered his face with his hands, "Now this... I'm tired of this, Kacchan."

The tall alpha slowly rocked their bodies together, hoping to calm down his one true love.

"Why do these things keep happening to me, Kacchan?"

Hearing Izuku's voice crack hurt the alpha. He continued to comfort Izuku. All he could do was be there and support him.

"Izu, sweetheart... People are cruel and evil. They want to do horrible things to the sweetest people. To the people who are kind. Who are absolutely amazing. " The blond kissed the greenette's nose, "There is a reason why I have a meeting with Toshinori this morning, and I want you to be there." He looked down at Izuku, staring into those green orbs, "However, lets take a bath. We both have cuts and injuries that need to be attended to."

Izuku didn't say a word and just nodded. Katsuki carefully removed himself from the omega before putting some proper clothes on. He stepped out of their quarters to find a maid to run a warm bath. Soon he came back into the room with Ochaco right behind him.

"Good morning, Izuku! I'll run the bath as your alpha requested, and get the soft towels ready!" She bowed and went into the bathroom.

Izuku smiled and nodded. The green omega had a nightgown on. It was all white and long. It went past his knees and long-sleeved. Once the bath was ready, the queen was ready to get out of bed. He slowly got off the bed and onto his feet. Katsuki helped him in the process. The maid had left the room to do other duties. The blonde had Izuku sit on a chair while he got himself undressed. He turned to Izuku and knelt in front of him.

"Let's get you ready for the bath." He smiled.

The taller grabbed the nightgown and started to pull up. The smaller one instantly grabbed his husband's hands and slowly pulled them away. His eyes refused to meet the ruby-red orbs, staring off into space. His eyes widened in fear, his hands shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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