Planning and Dates

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Izuku and Katsuki woke up later in the morning than intended. Katsuki was worried about his omega after that nightmare. He kept waking up during the night to check on his sleeping mate, but Izuku managed to sleep the rest of the night. The soon-to-be-married couple dressed and went to the royal dining room for breakfast.

"Get Prince Bakugou the morning coffee." Queen Mitsuki told the servant.

"Kacchan is really tired. And it's my fault." Izuku sighed.

"Why? Did you two have sex already?" Mitsuki asked bluntly.

Izuku froze in place, and Katsuki choked.

The green omega was quick to take action. Izuku got up from the chair and patted his alpha's back.

"No!" Katsuki collected himself. "Izuku had a nightmare. I was worried and kept waking up to check on him." He admitted.


The servant came with the coffee. Izuku gently took the coffee and thanked the servant.

"Here." The green-haired prince said with a smile and handed Katsuki the coffee.

"Thank you." Katsuki said quietly and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry you had a nightmare last night, Izuku. Please, relax. You're safe here." The blond queen smiled, "Now finish breakfast so we can make the wedding plans!"

The couple finished their breakfast and headed to the king's meeting room.

"Where is my father?" Katsuki asked.

"He is in the Endeavor kingdom. Bandits attacked their kingdom. Your father is helping them come up with a plan to make the kingdom safer."

"That's good." Katsuki commented.

Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Queen Bakugou!"

Mitsuki turned around and smiled.

"A messenger bird came and it was assigned to you." The knight bowed.

"Thank you. Please be on standby if there is any more."

The knight nodded and walked off.

She opened the letter and read it. It was a letter from King Masaru. The queen stopped in her tracks and gasped. She folded the paper and began to walk fast towards the meeting room. Izuku and Katsuki following in suit. As soon as they were inside the room, Mitsuki shut the door and gave her stepson the paper.

"What is this?" Katsuki asked as he took the paper.

"Your father found a reason for the bandits attack while in that kindgom."

The blond prince read the letter and looked at Izuku with gloom.

"Shigaraki and the bandits are looking for the prettiest, fairest, most beautiful omega in the land." The queen added.

"It's you, Izuku."

The omega quickly snatched the letter from his mate and read it.

"The most beautiful green-haired and emerald-eyed omega. The rarest omega in royal blood."

Izuku immediately exuded distress pheromones. His anxiety level is rising. The tightness in his chest was making it difficult for him to breathe. His gloved hand grasped the front of his shirt as he stared at the stone floor. His eyesight became fuzzy as a result of his weeping. The green prince had been warned for years. However, Izuku had never expected it to happen.

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