Chapter 1: It begins

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"I think we're getting better at this!" Smg4 laughs, letting go of Smg3's hand "What do you think Smg3?"

"We only got lucky we didn't overwhelm Mario last time with this Power..." Smg3 looks at him "And those Anti-Memes? 4, We nearly killed ourselves! And I'm to blame for that..."

"We both are" Smg4 corrected him "We both went for it, disregarding what 1 and 2 had told us... I realized later on how bad that could've been, we could've Killed Mario in that crossfire and that could've been on all of us..."

"Not only that, but what would've happened if we put that Anti-Meme energy into Mario... What if my plan had worked?"

"Be glad it didn't even go into effect" The two turned around Smg1 and 2 walk up behind them, 1 was talking to them "It could've been bad, not only for you two but Mario as well..."

Smg3 looked down "I know, that's why I was happy 4 found another plan...Even if it meant losing Terrence..."

4 smiles at him, placing a hand on his shoulder before looking at 1 and 2 "What are you two doing here anyways?" He asked them

"It's been some time since Zero was Defeated, so we wanted to check in on Mario and the Two of yours Training!" 2 smiled

4 sighs, moving his hand from 3 "We still have a lot to learn and harness..." He looks at the Castle "As for Mario, he seems to be taking our situations a bit more Seriously and a bit less Reckless than normal, which is strange, but if it keeps our Avatar safe so be it..."

"Out of curiosity boys..." Smg1 starts "We know you absorbed some Anti-Memes, but did you absorb any more?"

Smg2 nods "Yeah, cause it could've been preeeeeety bad if you did"

3 and 4 looked at each other. Of course they had, they were curious but that curiosity soon turned into Greed and Desire for more Power the longer they stayed linked and used their power

"Of course not, we're smarter than that!" Smg3 crosses his arms and looks up worried "A-And Hypothetically if we did... What could happen?"

"Well, for one, the two of you wouldn't be yourselves" 1 Explained "You'll grow stronger, yes, but at the cost of your True Selves"

2 nodded again "And bad harm to the two of you, as well as your Avatar too Probably..."

"Our Avatar too?" 3 questions

"Mario..." 4 whispered and looked at 3 "I scared him back on the ship while we were corrupted... 'Won't be yourselves'..." He looked down

"But that won't happen since you guys listened to us!" 1 smiles

2 giggled "Yeah! Anyways, we best get going, we'll see you at the end of the week for your training! We're going to try working on some Solo Meme Guardian Stuff!"

They went off, 3 and 4 looked at each other and SMG4 spoke quickly

"Wh-What are we going to do 3!?" He couldn't even think about what he wanted to say "We're going to Train in Front of them! We're going to get hurt! We're going to become corrupted! And lose ourselves! And they'll find out we've lied to them! And-"

3 huffs and slaps him, Smg4 was now holding his cheek looking at 3 "They won't find out!" 3 tells him "We'll just... Use less of our Power? If we don't use a lot of it, we won't lose ourselves as quickly, or possibly even at all!"

"But... Won't 1 and 2 realize we're using less power than we should? I mean... Meme Guardians should be a full power, right?"

"But then they'll know we lied 4... There's probably some form of Banishment for Meme Guardians for disregarding Safety of Others, Our Avatar, And Even ourselves... Do you really want to potentially lose your friends again!?"

3 and 4: Kingdom's Termination- Smg4 Fanfic (Complete,Under Revisions)Where stories live. Discover now