Chapter 7: Plea from behind a Mask

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"Can't you guys go one day without setting off an Eldritch Apocalypse?" Belle groans

"It wasn't us this time!" Tari pouts

"It was never us in the first place..." Saiko adds

"Besides, we always overcome in the end! I'm sure it'll be fine!" Boopkins smiles


"Damn it, I should've known!" Smg3 grumbled as he walked from the castle "Mario realized so easily, why couldn't I!? I'm literally a Guardian like 4! I should've easily known!" He looked up and saw some sort of Red wisp of light in front of him "What the... What is this?" He reached out to touch it but the light quickly surrounded him, causing him to yelp, covering his face with his arms and closing his eyes tight.

When the whooshing sound of the light faded, 3 opened his eyes and brought his arms down, looking around. He was in some sort of black void, no sound... No anything... Only the echoing of his footsteps as 3 turned to look around

"Wh-Where the hell am I?" 3 questioned in a whisper but it still managed to echo around the area

"THREE!" A voice cried out

3 gasped and turned around, right away he smiled upon seeing Smg4 "4!" He ran over to 4 but before he could get to him, he was stopped by an invisible barrier, his smile faded "Wh-What?"

4 put his hands up on the invisible wall "Yeah... I've been trying to find a way out... But nothing's working..."

"4... What's happening?" 3 questioned, bringing one of his hands to one of 4's "What happened to you? Neg4..." He looked down to the side

"I-I don't know..." 4 shook his head "No, listen, I don't have much time... So I'm going tell you what I can!"

"Please!" 3's attention snapped up to the other Guardian "I-I need to know anything!"

Smg4 looked down, he brought one of his hands down but kept up the one 3 brought his hand to "This is 100% the Anti-Memes... I can't use any of my Powers personally, but I found a small break in the corruption to find a way to communicate with you..."

"Yeah, the Anti-Memes and Neg4, god this guy is getting on my nerves!"

"Th-This isn't Neg!" 4 spoke quickly, looking up at him "N-Neg taught me this way to communicate with you!"

"Don't lie to protect him just because he's you! He kidnapped Mario and is using whatever Anti-Meme Power to take control of him!"

4 gasped "Mario's in danger?"

"D-Don't worry about him you idiot! I'm going to save him, and I'm going to save you in the Process!"

4 smiled "Wow 3, I... Didn't know you cared about saving me..."

"I-I DON'T!" 3 brought his hand down and turned so his back was facing 4, crossing his arms "It'd just be really difficult to protect Mario by myself, and all your friends would be really upset, so saving you is a Priority for the sake of them!"

4 frowned "Just... Just please save Mario..." He let out a half chuckle "I-I still feel guilty about my Channel Anniversary... I-I couldn't do anything but... Sit there... And watch him nearly die..." He began to tear up "I-I can't lose him...he means so much to me and not just in a Guardian-Avatar way... He's literally my Best Friend in the entire world..."

"You won't lose him!" 3 slammed both of his hands up on the wall causing 4 to flinch and look up "I will save him! That's a promise!" 3 smiled at him "And I promise to get you out of this too, just hold on for me, okay?"

4 smiled through teared up eyes and brought his other hand up so both of his hands were against 3's, he nodded at 3 "I'll do my best...Ah-!" 4 gasped falling to his knees, holding onto his head

"4!" 3 got down on his knees as well "Come on 4, you're stronger than this thing! Just keep fighting it!"

"I-I can't..." 4 spoke quietly, defeated "P...Please, just stop this 3..."

Smg3 brought his hands to his head too, closing his eyes tightly. His head was in pain, was this what 4 was feeling? When the pain subsided, he opened his eyes and he was back in his room

"Was that actually 4? Or..." 3 looked at his hands before clenching them into fists "Was it... Neg?"

"To know da way"

Smg3 heard a voice, he looked down to see Terrence and Eggdog still in his room "Neg3 hasn't come back for you yet, Terrence?" He sighed, sitting on his bed "Neg really needs you, you know? We both took you for granted, we both realized it... But I realized it too late. I'm happy he has you to take care of him... And him to take care of you..." He smiled a bit "It's very lucky that Memes don't disappear, he and 4 really need you"

"I can't believe I almost forgot"

3 heard another voice and in his room came Neg3

"I'm sorry Terrence, I just-Ah?" Neg3 looked up and saw Smg3. He frowned, looking to the side "S-Sorry man... I-I just came to collect Terrence..." He picked up Terrence "I-I'll figure out how to stop my 4, I-I'll fix this, and then 4 and I will be out of your hair..."

"W-Wait" 3 stood up grabbing one of his arms "I-I'm sorry, I can't say I know what you and your 4 are going through...But I do know that Both of our 4s and Mario are in Danger, and we have to help them..." He sighed before saying "I don't care what... Pride you have to do this, or whatever Favor you're trying to repay Neg4 for... But you saw what happened to my 4's friends, you can't take Neg4 on all by yourself!"

"But this us my fault" Neg3 looked at him "I could've done something to prevent this, but I didn't, I've got to-"

"Well I'm you" 3 smiles, moving his hand away from Neg3's arm "So I guess we're in this together!"

"You can't just say what I said just because it works" Neg3 smiled a bit and shook his head "We can't do much right now... It's late and we don't even know where my 4 went, so we're better off waiting till tomorrow"

"But... Our 4s.." Smg3 frowned, looking down

"I'm worried about them too 3, but we know our 4s well... They may not look it or act it, but they're very strong... And we still have to come up with a plan to save them anyways, and 1 and 2 have told me at least that exhaustion and Meme Powers aren't a good mix"

"And... Where will you stay?"

Neg3 frowned rubbing the back of his head, he looked down "I dunno... There are Plenty of Hotels and stuff back in the Mushroom Kingdom, Terrence can probably find a hotel or something"

"With what money? The overworld doesn't take Dark Web Coins..."

Neg3 let out a half chuckle "Huh... I forgot about that..."

"I have an extra room, you can stay there..."

"N-No, this is your house 3, I'm not gonna-"

"You idiot! This was your home too! Now hurry up and take the offer before I change my mind and you sleep outside!"

Neg3 chuckled "You're trying your best too" he said quietly before nodding "Right... Thanks 3.." He walks to the doorway and looked back at 3 "Dont worry so much, we'll get all three of them back" he walked out of the room

"I-I'm not worried! Only about Mario! I could care less about 4!" 3 sighs and looks at Eggdog "Is it really that Obvious?"

3 and 4: Kingdom's Termination- Smg4 Fanfic (Complete,Under Revisions)Where stories live. Discover now