Chapter 6: Tale of the Other World

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"Mario! Please, you've got to stop bro!" Luigi cries

"I-I'm Trying-" Mario says, trying to move away from Luigi and Whimpu, but a force kept pushing him forward to attack the two who dodged

"And you guys are really the same as them?" Smg4 spoke, a blank expression on his face "Pathetic, I truly thought you'd all be stronger..."

"How's this for 'Stronger'!" Saiko swung her hammer and him but 4 dodged

"Enough of this foolishness..." Smg4 snapped his fingers and Mario jumped up, Kicking Saiko back hard before he landed next to Smg4

"NO! SAIKO!" Tari cries out

"I got what I came for..."

In the middle of the main hall, a Portal Opened revealing Smg3 and Neg3

"Alright, what has 4 done this time?" 3 then looked at 4 with his eyes wide... He recognized the Yellow coloring of 4's eyes "4... You're still giving into this power?"

"So what? This wasn't part of my plan, but your 4 just made it easier for me to push forward!"

"My... 4...?" 3 let out shakily before an angry expression appeared on his face "Th-Then Who-"

"You've been here all along?" Neg3 questions quietly "Why? What's gotten into you 4? This isn't you! You know it isn't!"

Neg4 grins, holding his hands out to the side "Zero destroyed our world, so now" He laughs "We're going to take it all back 3!"

"'Take it back'? 4, we can't change what happened! Mario and the others are gone!"

"Not after I'm done, We'll Erase this 3 and 4 and then it can be us and our friends again! And it'll be like nothing has changed!"

Smg3 gasped "Erase us!?"

Now it was Neg3's turn to wear the angry expression "You can't just take this world from them!" His expression was quick to soften, taking a step forward "Please, let's just leave them be and go with 1 and 2..."

Neg4's grin fades "It's too late for that..." He clenched his fists, closing his eyes tightly as he began to tear up "IT'S THE FAULT OF YOU THREE MY BEST FRIEND IS GONE!" He shouts and the red energy that was flowing around him was shot outwards causing everyone to duck down

When they all looked up again, Neg4 was gone... And so was Mario

"4..." 3 let out quietly "What happened to you...?"

"What was that!?" Whimpu questions

"No, the question is 'Who was that'! That wasn't Smg4 surely!" Boopkins tells him

"Technically it was..." Neg3 spoke, he was looking at the group "That was my Smg4..."

"So he was here the whole time?" Smg3 questions "Why didn't you tell us you knew!?"

"I didn't... I mean after your argument with him, I assumed it was him at some points just by the way he was speaking and the things he was saying...And actually figuring out it was him...makes me think just how long he's been here..."

"H-He looked like Smg4 though" Melony spoke "Wh-What could've happened to Neg4 that would make him pretend to be our friend?"

"Well... He already explained... Somewhat" Neg3 sighs "As you might've gotten from my 4's words... Our Mario died

"Okay, big deal, and?" Belle questions "That Plumber always has a way of coming back after blowing up"

"The last thing Neg4 remembered..." Smg3 starts "Zero taking Mario... And then he died, causing your world to fall"

3 and 4: Kingdom's Termination- Smg4 Fanfic (Complete,Under Revisions)Where stories live. Discover now