Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Facing Yourself, Facing Eachother Part 1

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Neg3 held his hand out and some memes came out of his bag which was still with 3 and sent them over to Mario, forming them into a shield around Mario

"Neg! Thanks for that" Mario smiles, sighing in relief

"Of course buddy" Neg3 smiles at him before his smile faded and he looked at Meggy and Saiko "Any luck guys? I don't know how long I'll be able to hold it!"

Meggy looked down again closing her eyes "Saiko... Please help our friends..."

Saiko grins, stepping back and pulling out her Hammer again "Stand back Meggy!"

Meggy nods, backing up from the Two Guardians

Saiko sighs "Sorry guys... This is definitely gonna hurt" She swings her hammer and knocking the two Guardians back. Smg4 hit a tree causing him to lose his grip on 3 and 3 hit one a little farther back

"4!? 3!?" Meggy calls out, the Memes under the control of the two soon disappearer

Neg3 sighed in relief, releasing the shield around Mario "You good Mario?"

"Mario's okay..." Mario nods, rubbing the back of his head before gasping "Wh-What about 3 and Glitchy!?"

Smg4 sat up, rubbing his head "I-I'm okay too..." He looks down "I-I did it again...Didn't I?"

"Again?" Saiko questions "The three of you have been acting weird since you came back from that God Box! Now you better explain what's happening right now!"

"I-I couldn't even tell you... I-I don't remember anything..." Smg4 grips his hat tightly "I-I didn't-"

"Saiko and Meggy took out 3 and 4!" Boopkins voice called "Luigi and Tari, let's get them!"

"Yeah!" "Let's do this!" Luigi and Tari's voices are heard

Tari proceeds to hug Saiko and Luigi hugs Meggy

"You fools! You've fallen into our Trap!" Tari laughs

Neg3 looked at Boopkins "Hug me, and I'll hold you over another building"

"That's so mean! Weren't you just nice?" Boopkins whines

Neg3 frowns, rubbing the back of his head "Sorry Boopkins...I'm struggling to get the hang of this 'Nice' thing..."

They heard the sound of a footstep on the grass and they turn to see Bob "The power of your hugs are one thing Boopkins, but the Power of the Rapper Bob!" Bob pulls out a Microphone "Yo-"

Some Meme energy then hit Bob, knocking him back "I am SICK of your Raps Bob!" From behind some Trees came Smg3, he was holding onto a tree

"Smg3!" Mario says in relief "You're okay!"

"Bearly" He glares at Smg4 "Because this Idiot DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO CONTROL HIS GOD DAMN POWERS!"

"Why are you mad at me!?" Smg4 questions "Would you rather have been hit by Saiko or Meggy!?"

"Uh than hold hands with you? Absolutely! Actually, I did say that, didn't I? You just can't give into your powers like that!" He gestures to 4's friends "You could've hurt all of them!" He then gestures to Mario "And... You could've killed Mario and then EVERYTHING would've fallen at your hands!"

"G-Guys-" Neg3 starts

"Take some blame for yourself 3! You nearly hurt them too!"

"B-But that's your fault! You took my hand and nearly killed us both"

"There you go again!" 4 stands up "Taking no responsibility for your actions! This is why Mario died! You never cared about him or any of us!"

"I'm sorry... But Mario is here, Isn't he?" Tari questions as she let go of Saiko and Luigi let go of Meggy

3 and 4: Kingdom's Termination- Smg4 Fanfic (Complete,Under Revisions)Where stories live. Discover now