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My eyes flutter open as the golden light from my window wakes me up. What happened last night barely registered in my mind. 

I get up and walk to the bathroom, hearing that the others are awake. With my hood up, I quietly slip into the bathroom and lock the door. 

I pull my hood down. I almost yelp when I see the horns. The same gold horns from last night. I reach up and touch them. They are cold, like metal. I stare into the mirror in shock. Maybe I'm still dreaming...

"Lloyd, you in there?" I hear Kai say. 

His sweet voice brings me out of shock. I don't know why, but ever since we thought Harumi died, I felt as if Kai helped me get over her. Do I like him? The memory of the horns brings me back to the conversation.

 "Y-yeah" I stutter, still very afraid of the horns on my head. 

"You ok...?" He asks. "Y-yeah I'm fine," I say. "Ok..." Kai says, but he doesn't sound too sure about it. 

I slip my hood back on, silently praying that the others wouldn't see the horns.

As I walk out to Breakfast, the sweet smell of eggs and Bacon hit my nose. It's a relaxing smell and it calms me down, just a little bit. 

"Hey, sleepy head!" Kai says, a smile on his face. I try to manage to muster up a fake smile. 

Zane serves me up some breakfast and I make a mental check of everyone in the room. Kai is obviously there, Zane is making breakfast, Jay and Cole are in a heated argument, and Wu and Nya are watching them bicker. 

"Your breakfast is served," Zane says. "I'm not hungry," I say. "Are you feeling well?" Zane asks.

 "I'm fine..." I mutter. Why does he have to be nosy all the time? "Are you doing ok Lloyd?" Kai asks "I said I'm fine" I say, now annoyed at there many questions. 

My stomach tightens as I feel some kind of...resentment towards them. "Lloyd, you look kinda pale, you sure you're alr-" "I SAID IM FINE!" I yell.

 Kai looks a bit surprised at my sudden outburst, and I suddenly feel bad for yelling. "I'm gonna go to my room" I say quietly.I walk to my room, feeling embarrassed and ashamed of my loss of temper. 

"What the hell is wrong with you" I mutter. I lock the door and plop onto my bed. I reach up and feel my horns. 

It seems they've gotten bigger..."Is the way a acted because of them..." I whisper to myself. I think I might need some help with this problem. But who-

Then it hit me 


Oni Kid {Oni Lloyd AU}Where stories live. Discover now