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I sigh as I knocked on the door. The weather was somewhat cold, and I had on my hoodie, and my hood was up to make sure no one saw my horns.

I was outside of my dad's house, a small cottage in the woods. I had snuck out later that day to visit him about the....problem. Now I started to regret coming here. 

What if he tells Wu? What if he can't help? What if-

"Oh, Lloyd, what are you doing here?"

Garmadon was wearing a bathrobe and slippers, even though it was 2 in the afternoon. "Hi, Dad..." I say, looking up at him. He was about a foot taller than me and it was quite annoying. He looked at me expectantly. 

After a few seconds of awkwardly staring at each other, he speaks. "Aren't you going to say anything other than hello?" He asks. "I was just bout to," I say, making it clear that I was annoyed. "did you just come here t-"

"I need...advice..." I say. "Come in," Dad says, beckoning me into the warm house. It was humid, and there were plants everywhere. "Uhm... that's a lot of plants..." I say. He just nods. He sits himself on a couch and says "I've been doing some gardening". 

This whole thing felt awkward. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks and now I'm in his weird little house filled with plants.

"So you needed help-" "Not Help just..advice" I interrupt. "I believe those are the saw things" "No they're not" Before he can respond I shut down the conversation. "Look, I didn't come here to argue, I came here for advice"

"Well, what do you need 'Advice' on," I think for a bit. Should I really tell him about the horns... Or should I think of something else...

"I think I like Kai" I blurt out

Dad gives me a weird look. "You what?"

"I think I may possibly have a tiny crush on Kai..." I say. Saying it out loud now just sounds stupid, and I just stand there awkwardly. "You're asking ME for romantic advice" "Yeah..." He gives me an annoyed look. 

"You could have asked anyone about this and you asked me, someone who barely knows what 'Love' is?" I nod. He just sighs. "Is this really what you wanted to talk about, or are you just nervous" 

"N-no!" I felt my cheeks go red with embarrassment. "And out of all the people you chose to fall in love with, you chose Kai?" 

"Ok one, you can't choose who you fall in love with, and two I'm not stalling!" 

"I never said You were stalling," He says. I give Garmadon an annoyed look. "Well, do you have any advice," I ask? He thinks for a few seconds "Well, if you like him, just tell him that you do"

"Well, I guess that makes sense..." Garmadon nods. "Of course it does" He responds. I sigh again. "Lloyd, is something bothering you?" 

"N-no! I'm fine!" I snap. Garmadon gives me another weird look. "Lloyd, your acting funny"  "I'm not!" I quickly say. 

What he said next caught me off, guard. "Lloyd, take off your hood"

"W-what, why!"

"Lloyd, I know you're hiding something" I stare at the ground. I really didn't want to show him my horns. What if he tells someone else? I look up again and see him staring at me with great intensity. I know I don't have a choice but to take off my hood. 

So I do. 

He doesn't look surprised. I reach up and touch my horns, feeling that same cold metallic feeling. "Where you afraid to tell me?" I nod. "You don't have to be ashamed of what you are," He says, a hint of sympathy in his voice. I ignore his comment.

"Did you know this would happen?" I ask a hint of anger in my voice. "Well, I assumed after you used your Oni form you would go through some...changes" Now I was getting really upset. "And you didn't even bother to tell me!?" Garmadon looks a little surprised at my sudden change of tone. 

"I'VE BEEN HAVING NIGHTMARES AND PANIC ATTACKS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT WOULD HAPPEN?!" I yell. I felt all my anger bubble up inside of me. I could feel my power changing too. 

"Lloyd calm down!" I could feel my breathing get heavier as I looked at my hands. There were four of them and the bottom two were gold. The power radiating from them was purple. I was immediately frightened by it.

"W-WHATS H-HAPPENING?!" I screech, both terrified and ashamed of my sudden change of appearance. Garmadon slowly gets up from his spot. I was a bit taller than him now. "Try to stay calm..." 

I cover my face with my hands and start sobbing. I hated crying in front of people, but I couldn't help it. "Lloyd, just try to take a few deep breaths," Garmadon says. I wanted to protest, but I was still sobbing loudly. "Let me call Wu..."

"NO!" I yell, louder than I intended. Through my hands. I can see that he was startled by my yelling. "T-they c-cant know about t-this!" I say shakily. "Why not?" He says

"They just can't know!" I say. I didn't want them to know because...

What if they think I'm a monster...A villain...

"Fine..." Dad says, putting down the phone he had just picked up. "But if this gets any worse, I will tell them" I nod. "Now try to calm down, it may return you back to 'normal'" He said normal with air quotes, but I was to focused on calming down to care.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, and try to think of calming things, like candy, my bed...and Kai.

"You look better already" Garmadon says. I look back down at my hands and notice I look normal. I reach up and touch my head. The horns are still there, but at least I can hide those. "Now, you should get going before it gets dark" I nod in response. "Oh and one more thing Lloyd, do you actually like Kai, or where you just stalling"

I stop and think for a few seconds "I think I do like him..." I say. "you have weird taste in people..." Garmadon mutters. "Bye" I say eager to leave and and this strange visit. I wonder if his advice will help...

And I wonder how long I could keep this secret. 

Oni Kid {Oni Lloyd AU}Where stories live. Discover now