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I laid on the floor, my head spinning. Everything was sore, my entire body felt like it had changed, and it hurt like someone had just punched me in the stomach.

I slowly opened my eyes, my vision blurry. All I could make out were little blurry shapes and colors, all blended together into a confusing mess.

"Lloyd...?" I heard my name being called.....But by who.....I couldn't yet, as my ears where still ringing like crazy.

"Lloyd...?!" The voice repeated, now sounding shocked and concerned. I started to recognize the voice...It was Kai.

I slowly got up, feeling my two extra arms that were a part of my Oni form. I thought I had changed back....

I then looked at my hands

Oh no

Oh no

My hands where turning black....! My golden Oni form was tainted, black forming on the tips of all my hands. I was shocked, and scared. I realized then that the staff was still in my hands...Was the staff doing this...?!

Look at yourself, turning more even more Oni

I heard the voice mock me, and I started to feel sick. I felt like a monster... I looked around the battle field and noticed all the Oni where gone.... Did I get rid of them...? Where they part of the staff...?

"L-Lloyd...?!" Kai called out. His voice was shaky, and a bit scared. I took a step back....I had to leave....I didn't want to hurt him again...

"G-go a-away...!" I yell, my voice raspier than normal. I hated the way it sounded now, I sounded like my father....I sounded like an Oni....

Look at you, pushing away you're friends


Its funny to watch you so lonely...

I took a step back, scared of the voice in my head. I didn't want to be lonely.... I didn't want to run away again... But I had to...

"Lloyd, don't leave!" Kai called out, as a prepped my wings to fly. All the other ninja where standing off to the side, not knowing what to do.

"Lloyd, don't do this!" Master Wu said, trying to stop me from leaving. "We can work through this together!" Kai called out.

"Please...." He said, getting closer. He turned away from him, starting to flap my wings to take off. I didn't want to listen anymore...

Look at you, being so heartless

I didn't care right now.....The staff made me feel numb, and I just wanted to get away. My wings lifted me off the ground, and I found myself soaring across the city.

The sky was grey, not black and corrupted like before, but it was still gloomy. I continued to fly. I felt like I should have felt more....

Maybe it was just the shock....

Or maybe you never cared...

As I flew through the sky, I felt myself being pulled away from the city. I soon made it to the ocean, but I continued to fly anyways, flying over the sea. I didn't know how long I flew for, but I didn't care.

You don't care

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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