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As I ran the only thing I felt was hate. Mostly towards myself. I was angry. But I wasn't just angry at myself.

They didn't listen

And they got hurt because of their stupidity. They shouldn't have trusted me. I shouldn't have trusted myself.

You shouldn't trust anyone

I hated that the voice was right. I've been too trusting of people. Pythor, Harumi, my friends, and even myself...I couldn't trust anybody.

As I continued to run, I felt my power growing. I didn't want that. I didn't want to become worse.

Suddenly, my leg hit something hard and I flew across the ground, hitting a tree. The tree cracked and shuddered, but it didn't fall.

I was now covered in dirt, and my head was spinning. My breathing was heavy and now my leg was hurting, too.

I now noticed that I was back in my human form. I was bleeding from running through bushes and thorns, and my ankle was bent badly.

I tried to stand, but my leg gave out, and I fell back to the ground. I felt defeated. It was only a matter of time before they found me.

What would they do to me? Would they lock me in a cage? Would I be put in prison? Would they treat me like a monster?

Of course, they would

They have no other choice

You made that more than clear

The voice continued to be right. No matter how much I hated it, it was still correct. They are going to lock me up. They have no other choice.

What was I supposed to do now? I had to go somewhere far away. I suddenly felt it strange that I didn't care more. Why I didn't care about seeing my friends again.

Because you never cared

"That's not true!" I say out loud. "I do care!"

If you cared then why did you hurt them?

"I didn't mean to!" I yell.

Admit it

I tried to suppress my feelings. It wasn't going to help getting upset about a disembodied voice.

Admit you're like him

"No!" I scream. The whole forest shakes with the boom of my voice. I realize that I'm being too loud.

They're going to find me if I keep this up. Trying not to feel anything, I get up and start walking, even though my ankle hurts.

As I ignore the pain, I feel my body shift again. My Oni form had come back, and my leg hurt 10 times less then it did when I was human.

You're becoming what you hate

"Shut up..." I mutter to the voice. I'm not becoming what I hate. I'm not like my father. I'm not like the Oni. This just helps with the pain.

I start to pick up pace, trying to move has quickly as possible to get away from them. Flying would be easier, but I would be more visible.

I tried not to let my mind wander. I didn't want to think about what happened. I didn't want to think about what they would do to me.

Normally, you would fight this

What happened?

"Shut up!"I say louder. It felt like the voice was trying to provoke me. "I am fighting this!" That was true.

Suppressing these emotions, these feeling of hate was hard. It was like I was a bomb. I bomb that would go off any second.

I couldn't be around people. That's why I had to go. Because I didn't want my friends to get hurt.

Real friends love you

"Stop it" I say. The voice was driving me insane. I couldn't bare it anymore. All of this was so hard to control, and that stupid voice was making it worse.

I guess I didn't have to for long. I heard the roar of an engine above me. I looked up to see the bounty. How did it get here so fast?!

I started to run again. On the speaker I heard Master Wu's voice. "Lloyd, please stop running"

Didn't they understand? I was doing this to protect them. I looked up again to see the others jumping down, in the ninja style they always did.

I had to get out of their faster. I then heard another familiar voice. "Lloyd, what are you doing?!" It was Garmadon.

That caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting him to come after me. "Go away!" I scream. I wasn't going to let them get hurt again.

Suddenly, I felt something hard hit my back, and I tumbled to the ground. Something had tackled me. When I open my eyes, I realized it was my father.

I immediately push him away and scramble back. "What the hell!" I yell at him. "Lloyd calm down, we are here to help!"

"Just go away, your making it worse" I start to cry "Lloyd, please calm down!" I noticed the others standing behind him.

I felt even worse. I didn't want them to get hurt. "Why are you doing this?" I heard Master Wu say. I felt like I had to run again. What would they think?

They want to lock you up

"Y-you just want to hurt me!" I manage to choke out, still crying. "Lloyd, what are you talking about? Why are you doing this?" Garmadon says.

I could feel a cold darkness creep in. "Just go away!" I saw the sky getting darker. A black mist started to form.

Was I doing this? "Lloyd, what is going on!?" I move away from them. "I-I don't know!" I say, sobbing.

I couldn't see my friends now. The mist seemed to move me. What was going on? What was I doing?

Just like your father

Then everything went black.

Oni Kid {Oni Lloyd AU}Where stories live. Discover now