2 Meeting Team!

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Your POV
We get on the elevator. While it's going down. "You might not want to talk" I hear. "Hmm?.." I said
"If you want no one on the team to know your secret you might want to talk less..got it?.." coach said. I nodded to what he said *If it can delay them from finding out then sure best option for now...* I just nod my head.

(Skip time bc elevator takes long)

Coach POV
The elevator finally stops and we step out I see the team is training very hard for our next game.
"Okay guys bring it in. I have someone here I would like you guys to meet." I said. As they walk towards us one said "Yo coach dude who's the rookie?" North Shaw said.
"Guys this is P/N they will be apart of the team starting today." I said "Hey." P/N said. "All right gang time to work on new strategies for the up coming game" I said

  (Skip time shower needed sorry...heh..)

                    Your POV
After training it turns out I can play any position in the field. Which is sweet YAY!! Though I can't be goalkeeper which is okay! Also turns out that one player speaks Brislovian which I understand a little heh. 
I sure did work up a sweat I'm waiting for the guys to take a shower and leave.

When I see them leave I get ready to take a shower.  Thank goodness that I look like a guy with those clothes on. If not I might get tease or something. When I enter the shower I turned on the water I put some soap in my hair and wash it off then I hear the door open *Oh no their still people in the locker room going to take a shower*

I hear the door open I hear foot step maybe one no two! Oh no! "The newbie really great maybe they can over for one of us if we need to go out or are sick, tho I suppose they can use more training in goalkeeping." Big Bo said. *that sound like the goalkeeper Big Jo? No Big Bo! That's his name!* Lucky the water turned off so I only hope that. They don't come in the same shower *gulp*.

(That's it for now. I'm going to use "//(??)" for Blok since I don't understand the language... Yet the character does.. So I hope it isn't offensive sorry if it is..heh..431 words.)

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