3 Cover Blown or save

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(Read last chapter remember I don't understand the language Blok speaks so I'll be using "//(?)" so the chapter goes fast apologies if it's rude to do that man gets start)

Your POV
I hear them walking I stay quiet and I realized that I forgot to lock the door their turning the lock. Lucky I have a towel to cover my lower half. *Gulp*

Blok POV
I turn the door close it with the lock. When I turn around I was shock it's the rookie but their a she!? *BLUSH* "You alright their Blok" I hear Big Bo say I pot my head out and nod my head. "Ok we'll I just finished my shower fast cause I got a few errands to run before heading home okay I'll see you tomorrow in training bye Blok" Big Bo said as he left. I *sigh* ones the door closed and turned around..

Your POV
*SHOOT SHOOT ITS DAY ONE AND SOMEONE ALREADY FOUND OUT WHAT AM I SU-* *cough* cough* I look up and see Blok standing their... "Heh..hey Blok how about we pretend that this neve-" I said try to leave but got push against the wall. "Eep!!" "/// /// ////////// // //.(You got explaining to do right now!)" He said "Well you see I'm a female as you can tell by now and umm only a few know I'm a female and I um I'm following my two dreams of playing soccer and helping people around the world when traveling the world places that's why I'm in Supa Strikas to achieve my dreams..." I said "well now that that's  out of the way I'll be going no-" Blok still blocking my way (that isn't a pun now matter how fun it may be) *sigh* "Can you keep this a secret?" I said We stand their for a while as I look at him think. "/////://:/(okay I'll keep your secret but it'll with prices)" he said *Prices?? Well it is a big secret to keep..* I made up my mind and said "Deal! I can do that I said with one jump! Then I realized that had a towel that only covered half of my waist. I look at Blok and he's looking the other *Welp at least he ain't a perv* He moved out of the way. "Thanks" I said I got out of the changed room and went to the locker room. I ended up going home *what a crazy day!*

(Next chapter coming soon!! 416 words)

A kind hearted Player!Reader X ?? Supa Strikas Where stories live. Discover now