6 Grooves Lose Pt 2

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(This is the day! GAME DAY!!)
Today is the day! And I'm running late!  *SHOOT SHOOT IM LATE!!!* I look at the clock and then look at my watch. Then I stop look at the time. wait! a second! I'm two hours early... *Welp at least I came get ready before anyone else after all I'm one out of two supa subs for now hopefully!.*

As I keep on walking I'm not also good in detections. So I enter threw door thinking I can change for the big match. * hmm I'll change in the shower since the team might come early* I told myself.

Then I hear it the door. * Aw man I'm getting a sense of déjà vu right now* as I keep my voice down and put on my shorts for the big game I put on my shirt. " Hey your not supposed to be here" I heard someone say. I look in front of me and see someone in a different outfit. "Sorry, must have enter threw wrong door.." I said. " Don't think I've seen you here before? What's your name?" The person in front of me said as they wait.. "..P/N.." I said. "Oh! Your that new player Supa Strikas have on their team! "I've been trying to find your card! But it seem that if you don't play in the game you can't get one!" He said. I just *nod* my head. " I'm -" "John J. Johnson Jr.!" I hear him get interrupted by an older man voice. I look at the person in front of me *that must be his name? Looks like he is trying to hide?* *sigh*

I pin him up against the wall where the door will cover. Putting my hand I've his mouth and just as I though my head is around him *blush* I see him also turn red. I see the door open, then close. I look at John J. Johnson Jr. see him turning red? *must be getting a fever*
"I umm.. thanks! welp I best get going before Tony finds me!" He said as he ran away.

(Skip time)

I'm watching from the side lines. Since I'm a sub of course. At least I get to watch them play. But Cool Jo seems to be having a hard time right now maybe I'll be able to play! No I shouldn't think that way! Come on
Y/N! I told myself. I look up and saw the game has ended. The team didn't do good Coach said well train on Sunday! Maybe I can show off more skills!!
             (Skip time Next day!)
As we entered the elevator "what's up Coach? We never practice on a Sunday!" Shakes say "I have a surprise for you all." Coach said. "I hopes it's is breakfast. I'm starving." Klaus says. "Just wait and see." Coach said as the door closes.

I'm getting squeezed and to my left and see Blok. I just smile at him and he smiles back. I look to my right and see North Shaw and Twisting Tiger. I just shake my hand that is getting squished.

(Skip time enter door threw door etc)

"The match against technicali should have been easy. Their were too many missed opportunities that is why we are here today." Coach says I look over at Cool Jo and see him all bummed out. I put a hand on his shoulder and he looks at me. I just smile with a thumbs up. "This a new piece of machinery called match mat. It tracks your movements to scale ratio." Coach said Then explain more

(I'm not going to put it here thank you! Skip time Twisting Tiger!)

"This is going to be a walk in the park! That almost the same mat of my dance video game." Twisting Tiger says. "Walk in the park huh? Well then Tiger why don't you go first" Coach says. "You got it Coach" He says Twisting Tiger does a few moves and then hits the target. "I'd say your ready for the rematch." Coach says. "Thanks Coach!" Twisting Tiger says. "Cool Jo you up" Coach says. Cool Jo goes on the mat and does well at first then, mutters something and then falls backwards.
The team says they can't believe it and Coach ask "Are you alright what happened to you out there?" " I don't know something ain't right Coach.." Cool Jo replied "Maybe you sit out the next game?"Coach said "I'll be find Coach" He said. I felt bad dude seems really bummed out.

               (Skip next day!)

We are in the looker room lucky everyone is changed. And I see Cool Jo snapping his fingers and tapping his Clit shoes to a rhythm of kinda like music. We line up and I end up sitting in the side lines.

(Skip Time)

We end up doing bad in the first half then we get a break we'll more like they get a break. Coach is talk about what to do during the second half of the game. I don't pay much attention to him and look at Cool Jo having headphones on his head and grooving to the beat of the sound.

"Alright then Cool Jo I'm going to have to sub you for this part of the game." Coach says "Coach! It's back my groove is bad!" He's says "It's true Coach it's really back!" Twisting Tiger says "Even if it's true, I can't take the risk." Coach says "Coach if you ain't satisfied in the five minutes I'll bench myself out" Cool Jo says.

(Skip Time)
(Still your POV)
The game has start and it seems to be doing great! *I wish I was playing. patience I need to wait for my time my moment.*

(Skip Time WON the game YAY)

I enter the showers where I see their no one their I hopefully. I enter one of the showers. * Aw man their see through* I clean myself up good and this time I have a shower. Then I hear the door open. "Everyone else is using the different shower. Tony never said I couldn't use theses showers!" Said someone. * Oh no i-*

(Chuck T. Chipperson POV)
(Dude got a long name)

I enter the shower room since the one in our locker room are all being used. I open the door and see a WOMAN!! *wait a second they look familiar their that new sub for Supa Strikas. But their males - she in a towel and is 'techni'cally naked!?!* "I um-" I'm pinned to the wall!

(Your POV)

"Not. A. Word." I say. He nods his face turning red. "What will it take you to keep quiet?" I ask. "Huh?" He said "to not tell anyone who I really am" I say. "What am I able to get??" He ask "Anything I said" I said. "Hmm.." He says as he stand their thinking. Then a grin appears on his face "How about you give me a kiss! Everytime we see each other." He said *is that it?* "deal." I said I kiss him on the lips and he goes all funny *cute*. I ended up leaving the shower room and got change really quickly and left the stadium.
(Skip time)
I got home and crashed on the bed. I'm tired from walking home let's see *yawn* "what will happens in the next game? Who knows.." I said as I drifted to sleep.

( I DO that's who!! next chapter coming soon! 1251 words)

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