17 Wh-Oh no!!!

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     (This is part two of last chapter! Let's start!)
                 (Author POV)

"This is Great! New! Krakowski! If people find this out then Supa Strikas will be introuble when they feel betrayed! By their teammate!" Vic said. "You may go now" Vic says to Krakowski. As he leaves the room.
"With this video people will see the truth" Vic said as he had his hands together.
                  (Skip time)

We didn't do good with the new training and we didn't play well against Palmentieri. The guys really don't seem to like Krakowski. Neither do I. Only tolerated him because of our captain.. After the game I saw a note on my locker. The guys are around me trying to read the note. I covered it to find out first. If I should show them or not.

Note - *I know you secret and if you want me to keep it you have to play the game and lose*
I see Krakowski come in and I hid the note in my pocket. After he talked. I ask Blok, Big Bo, and Twisting Tiger if they can come over to my place they said yes.
                  (Skip Time)

"You live in hotel?" Big Bo asked. Walking through the door. "Have you ever considered living in a bigger house or even an apartment?" Twisting Tiger says. "Yea but I can't really get a house with the secret thing.." I said. "You can always come live with me I wouldn't mind the company and I don't think my butler Albert wouldn't either." Big Bo says. I blushed thinking about it. "Umm thanks for the offer Big Bo I'll think about it.." I say with a smile.
                 (Authors POV)

Little did Y/N(P/N) know that two people were mad that they couldn't say it first. Until one spoke up. "Or with me!" Twisting Tiger subjects. "//://(or me!)" Blok says.
                 (Your POV)

"Thanks guys but we need to talk about why I asked you to be here" I say pulling out the note. There faces show shock as they read the note. "Someone told or found out my secret but I'm not sure who why and how.." I said. "What are you going to do?" Twisting Tiger asked. "I already have that planned out just need help if anything goes down." I said

"Well you can count on us Y/N!!" They said. "Thanks you guys!!"

          (Skip Time Game day!)

Krakowski keeps trying to make me play. I say no he seems pissed off. *whatever*. He keeps yelling at the team for not following what he says. "Dancing Rasta one more move like that and I'm going to sub you!! And put P/N in your place!!" Krakowski said. *He was tol-It's him! It was him along! But is it? I need prof!*

            (Skip Time half time!)

We enter threw the door and Dancing Rasta closes it. "Hey open this door! Right now!" Krakowski says. "We're trying to Coach." Dancing Rasta replies. "Yeah it seems to be stuck!" Shakes says. "It doesn't seem to want to budge!" I say.   He keeps banging in the door for us to let him in. *This is the most fun I've had in a while!* later we see papers slide under the door and hear Krakowski leave.

We open the door and see Spenza!  He explains to us everything Krakowski is working for Invincible United and gave the guys new their new move and everything! Before we leave I said to the guys "sorry.." and left the room and started to head to the field.
                   (Authors POV)

"What was that all about?" One teammate said. "Yea man that was just weird!" Another said.

            (Skip Time to game!)

"We have a short announcement (video) by an anonymous person" One of the commentators said. They began showing a video of me going into the locker rooms and going out with my female look, then show the a video about me and Boss and Krakowski.

Talking on the day w-*NOO!!* I look at the crowd shock and surprised! *I can't* I ran away from the people view! I got to the restroom and enter it! *I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN I KNEW IT!!* I look at myself in the mirror "I knew this was going to happen! *sigh* It's time to face them." I said to myself.. "P/N? Are you in here?" I turn around and see Eagle Eye. He looks at tears in my eyes. I look the other way. "You must be disappointed huh.." I say wiping my nose. He sighs and looks at me. "If you think the fans and team are mad or disappointed then you are wrong. They might not understand why you did what you did and so do I. We don't blame you P/N. Now let's head back and cheer them on. Yea?." He says. With a smile. Holding his hand out.

I wipe the tears from my face and says "We then what are we wait for! Let's go support!!" I ran out the restroom holding Eagle eye hand. "Karma comes to those... Mr.Krakowski...Karma comes to those..." I said...

I'll support my team all the way!! I cheer for my team all the way!!! At some point they kept pissing off Krakowski. He ended up getting the red and yellow flag for being on the pitch. Which means that he has to watch from the crowd of fans.

He kept refusing. I got up and picked him up. "No I-HEY PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" He told me Fans were cheering. Probably on how I was about to pick him up! "Sorry man can't hear you over the fans!" I said Boss and Vic came over to us. I put him down and went back to still next to the others who aren't playing.

I hear them say "YOUR! FIRED!!!" *YESS WHAT YOUS GET MAN WHOOAA!!* "We have another special announcement today!" Someone said. They show Vic and Krakowski talking it turns out dude was working for Vic the whole time!

We ended up winning in the end! Krakowski was fired and was shown who he was really working for. As for me I got a lot of news reports with questions.

"P/N why did you hide you are a female?" "What is your relation with Coach?" "Is their any Supa Striker your into!?" As the last one was said from the reporters I felt a hand around my shoulder. "Hey you okay?" It's Big Bo! "Yes just so many questions.. I need some help getting to the locker room..heh" I said. "Sure I'll be glad to help!" Big Bo says.

As we're walking. *now or never*
"Big Bo I was thinking about you offer and I'll be happy if you would let me love wit you." I say. "YES!!-I mean yea that I'll be happy to have more company and so would Albert!" He said stuttering. "Just tell me when and I'll start packing." I say trying to hold back my laughter.

We make it to the locker rooms and when we enter the guys are their silents falls. *okay you got this Y/N!*
"Look guys I'm sor-!!" I get hugged by Shakes. "Hey we get it it's not easy when it comes to following your dreams we all know what it's like" Shakes says. One by one they come in to a group hug. "Thanks you! Guys for understanding!" I say with tears and a big smile.

(Skip Time)

I'm packing my things and moving into Big Bo place. "Are you sure this is okay?" I say for the like hundred time. "Yes it going to be nice to have more people to talk too!" Big Bo says from the other room. "Let me help you." I said. "Nope! I got this!" He says as he puts the last of the boxes in the car.

I look place one more time. Then close the door.

(Next chapter coming soon!! 1246 words)

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