14 Secrets to honor

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(Here guys this is just part two of last chapter now let's begin!!)

                    (You POV)
While Shakes is telling Tiger what new moves he can try. I begin to think *why does he have his arms wrapped? More speed?, scares? Tattoos?* "Right? P/N!" Shakes say. "Huh! Oh yea! That can work." I say.  
We end up showing him some more moves and how so he can improve!

                   (Skip Time)
"Thanks you for your help guys." Tiger says "Tiger how did you get your name?" Shakes ask. "Now that's a secret." Tiger says. Shakes keeps try get Tiger tell how he got his name.

*You know what lets* "How about a deal?" I says They both look at me. Tiger interested ask "What kind of deal?" "You tell us how you got your name and I tell you why I'm bad with directions." I continued "Sure!" He says.

He explains how in his old team him and Miko his dear friend got injured when they were play against another team. Tiger his arm and Miko his leg. They were out for months and became like brothers. Then had to wrap his arm because it's still hurts him and he started twisting to protect his arm.

"Please did not tell anyone why I always wear this." Tiger says I just nod "sure. Was your teammate okay who was it!" Shakes says. Tiger not wanting to say who says "Yes he is fine. Uhhh.." "I have to do my story too Shakes..." I said. "A deals' a deal right Tiger" I say "Right" He says back.
"It all start back when I was younger. I had fun playing outside having fun would have fun but as I grew older my mind would sometimes finds it hard for me to remember things here and their (if you don't sorry you can put something else) but what makes it even harder is when I need to get changed or when I go somewhere even when I'm talked to someone. Mix those together and you get me."

"Wow I had not idea it was that bad! And to having that kind of problem." Tiger says. "You have you never told us before." Shakes says "Cause when someone says something someone else we don't know will over hear." I said

                  (Skip Time)
We walk out of the training part and hear Tiger and Shakes talk then I hear the lift. I head to the looker room. * They must be heading home. I'm going to go change. I smell like sweat*. I head in to the locker room I start taking off my clothes and get into the shower. *Nice water*

After I finish cleaning I get a towel and head to the locker room and hear the door open. * It's late no one supposed to be hear! I try to look for a place to hide b-* "Hey P/N you he-re" It was Twisting Tiger. "Hey ya Tiger.." I said. Trying not to laugh with how many times this has happened and also nervous. "I how that means yo-" I interrupted him with my hand. "I'll explain everything do you want that?" I ask. He nods his head "okay sit down and turn around. He looked on at me confused. "Unless you want to see me change?" I say. He looks at me bright red and turns around. I go on explaining.

(Skip Time)

"And that's pretty much it only a few people know about this and a few from our team Coach, Big Bo, and Blok. Now you do two." I says already finished changing. "You can turn around now." I say "okay" he replies. "So what do want to keep this between us?" I asked "huh?" He says "you can ask for anything favors promises anything." I say. "How about you and me train every once a night in each week together?" Tiger say

*that's something I didn't expect?* "Sure you pick the day and time so we can practice!" I say

(Skip Time Game Day!)

I'm sitting in the bench watch them play and also end up talking with the other players a little. Since my voice has been hurting since last late don't want anyone finding out! I look at the other Coach and dude seems to be breaking bricks!? Must have train a lot to do that. I look back at the game and see the other team. Making good progress and our team as well just that they can't seem to score goals.

I then see them targeting Tiger! He at the bottom of two Nakama players. The game ends up continuing and I see El Matador talk to Miko about something make why his team did that. Later in the game I see one of them hit his arm. * No they couldn't could that other player have told Nakama about it!?!* I stand up in shock and see the player on the bench look at me.

"Coach I'll be right back" I said. He nod. I go on thinking how why Nakama would do this Tiger would always say how good they are. * I'm going to get something's to help Tiger during the break.* I told myself as I continued to walk to get ice pack and maybe more.

(Skip Time break time)
I give Tiger the Ice-pack. "Thanks" he says " No problem. Just be careful out their ok.." I said he just nods.

I head outside to find someone... I see Miko Chen alone I go up to him and pin him to the wall. "Now you listen man and you listen good" I said
"You and your team aren't being fair to your former teammate, I know you doing this on purpose. But really trying to hurt your old friend and then really hurting him!" I say. *I don't like to be like this but it seems like I have to..* "He isn't no honor, no trust." He say. "You want to talk about honor after what you guys have been doing!? Is that what it means to be in your team!? To hurt those that trust you! To treat them different!?" I says.
I put my arms down and look at Miko Chen face to be in shock.
"Just think how would you feel if the old teammates you trusted did that to you.." I say calmly and just walked away.

(Skip Time)
"One. two. three! Supa STRIKAS!!!" As we go out I'm behind El Matador. "Hey Shakes. Shakes. El Matador! P/N!" Someone says I turn around along with El Matador. "Spenza?" El Matador says Spenza shows him the DVD. "El Matador! P/N! Hurry up!" Coach says

El Matador grads Spenza wrist and says "your coming with us!" We stand in front of Miko Chen and El Matador shows him the DVD. Miko Chen bows down and El Matador and Spenza leave. I'm in front of him and smile "Trust is Honor?" I say with my hand out. He smiles back "Trust is honor" He says shaking my hand before bowing.

(Skip Time game Time!)
Everything going well. Miko Chen is showing better sportsmanship towards Tiger. I'm glad!. We end up winning in the end and Tiger got his brother back. I I got a new friend over all and only one person found out the secret today.

I end up later in a room *we'll see what tomorrow has..* As I began to fall asleep.

(Next chapter is going to be a fast forward so be ready! 1242 words)

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