4 Hanging out!

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            (This is the next Day!!)
                      Your POV
After training talking to Blok has been better after the incident of yesterday, tho he sometimes get heated up. I don't want to ask him about it because I think it's because of training.

*at least he'll keep it a secret even though not many understand him. Let's just hop no one else finds out*sigh*) We left the training compound to go to a place to eat. Some of us are talking about trying and creating new moves and other are talking about the team we're going to be playing *Lets hope I don't mess anything up..*sigh**

"Now what is up with you brother" I hear someone say. I looked up and saw Cool Joe? Jo? "Nothing." I replied. "Nothing? Nothing man I can tell it's more than nothing!" He said "just. Thinking about the next game" (that's in two days! Since that's when you start!) I said. " RELAX man we are sure to win! Plus we'll be going up against technicali!" North Shaw said. "Okay.." I said as I continue to eat the food.

Silent is now in the room. As you feel everyones eyes on you. *too much attention!* "Hey! Man how about we do something to get that out of your mind"Dancing Rasta said. I just nod. "Hey how about the party at my club that's sure to get you in a happy mood!" Cool Jo said.

Put down the fork. I said "sure" *it has been a while since I've been at one*

                    (Skip time)

We paid for the food and left. "Alright I'll see you all tomorrow at my place(club) then cya" Cool Jo says "Bye man" "haha bye" "later dudes" "///(bye)" "sure" As we said goodbye to each other.

            (Skip time again sorry)
I got home to my hotel room since I barely moved a week ago and living alone *maybe I can have a roommate or something in the future* I thought to myself. Welp at least no one new found out so I'm good for now...

(Thank you guys for reading Also P/N will be start their first match with them it'll be like S1 Ep2 just very different since P/N will be their gots to run Cya 360 words)

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