16 Coach?!??

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(I'm going to be skip 8-10 moving to 11 for next chapter let's start).(also some small changes many)


"Coach you need to relax if you don't this can have a bad affect on your health." I kept telling him as I could tell uncle was more nervous and stressed. The team ended up winning and before I knew it. "GOAL!!" The commentators. He ended up grabbing his chest and was falling down. I caught him just in time.

"Uncle! Uncle!" I kept saying. "Coach is down Mack!" Someone said in the announcement. The team ended up coming over because they were concerned for Coach. I check his pulse. "We need a medic!" I said. Tears falling from my eyes. "It's going to be ok Uncle!" I said to him.

                 (Skip Time)

In the hospital room uncle is talking to the head man. About getting a sub coach before he can finish talking the computer was closed. " I said. No activities! No stress! And visiting time over"the nurse said. "But I can't-". The lady pushed me out. *well that's a bit rude?* I hear my phone buzz.

Boss - Hey P/N I need to speak with you with the new coach (Krakowski)

                  (Skip Time)

I'm in a room with the boss and Krakowski. "Mr.Krakowski you must know we take things seriously here and one of those many things is our players." Boss said "Ye-Yes sir" Krakowski says. "Why did you need me here Boss?" I say "Mr. Krakowski P/N here is different from other our other players" Boss says. "What does thi-this young man have that is different from the others??" He ask curiously.

"For starters P/N isn't a man." Boss replied. Krakowski looked shocked. "This must stay a secret and second she isn't allowed to play on the field yet. For it is not her time. Do I make myself clear!" Boss says. "Ye-Yes sir" He says. "You are dismissed." Boss said.  He left soon after picking up his papers.

"Boss are you sure that you should have told him?" I said "I'm not sure but people are going to find out sooner or later Y/N and you need to be ready." He says I nod then leave the room.

(Next chapter coming soon! Words 382!)

A kind hearted Player!Reader X ?? Supa Strikas Where stories live. Discover now