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Author pov_____°•°_____

There is a girl ,, who is drawing a beautiful painting in her room

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There is a girl ,, who is drawing a beautiful painting in her room . She's so into her painting that she didn't even notice,, there is a person standing behind her and  SUDDENLY

??? : boom💥

?? : ahhh ( fell from the chair )

??? :hahaha 😅

?? : wth😠 bhaiya [ brother]

Faizan: hahaha look at your face 😝

Y/n: stupid

Faizan : hey I'm older than you

Y/n : so what

Faizan : nathing continue

Y/n : shut up,, because of you this colour fell on my t-shirt . Its white ( Fake crying ) now you have to buy a new tshirt for me .

Faizan : drama queen ( whisper )

Y/n : what  ,, what did you say ( rising eyebrows )

Faizan : nathing nathing... I will buy you a new shirt okk ? . Now go and  freshen up I will set the dining table .

Y/n :okkkk

In dinning table

Faizan: stop using your phone while eating .  Btw why are you smiling while looking at your phone ? ( rising eyebrows ) Wait wait You got a boyfriend and you didn't even told me about it ( little dramatic )

Y/n: why are you even using your brain . When it's on your knee .

Faizan: hahaha very funny

Y/n : shut up and see what I was looking at ( showing your phone )

Faizan: wow what a beautiful place ,  where it is  ?

Y/n : this place is located in Korea . and she is somi my Facebook friend she's Korean . She share those pictures . and you won't believe me bhaiya as soon as I saw those pictures I fell in love with Korea  . Bhaiya I want to visit Korea please ( whining like a baby )

Faizan : what ,, no way

Y/n  : why  ? What's wrong. My summer vacation also has been started. You are also not busy nowadays ( pout ) then what's the problem ?

Faizan  : the problem is that ammu [ mother ] and  abbu [ father ] will not agree . They will not give us the permission to go there . You know how strict they are .

Y/n  : but who will tell them( smirk )

Faizan  : what do you mean? Look if you are cooking something evil in your head then I'm not with you .

Y/n :  listen bhaiya , we both know that , ammu abbu are so busy with their business that they rarely have time for us . So even if we go there they will not find out . We will just go there and spend some days then we will come back ,  simple . ( smile )

Faizan  : what if they make a call to us

Y/n : uff come on bhaiya . It's not like that they call us every day  . Just chill nathing will happen .

Faizan  :ok fine if you say so,,  we will go there . Happy now ( smiles)

Y/n  : yes bhaiya . I'm so happy . I love you so much . ( kiss his cheek )

Faizan  :hmm I love you too

Y/n  : and yeah we will leave tomorrow ,I  will book the tickets .

Faizan  : wow so fast

Y/n  : yes I can't wait anymore . I'm so excited . ( jumping like a baby )

Faizan  : ok ok fine.  Now go to your room and sleep . Good night ( kiss her forehead )

Y/n  : good night bhaiya  ( runs towards her room )

Faizan  : don't run ( shout ) hahaha pagli [ crazy] .


??? : ahh  umm yeahh ahhh like that.. umm ahhh just like that you sl*t ... uhh so good .

Random girl : ahh da daddy s..lo..w down ahh

??? : ( slap ) shut up you sl*t ,, don't 
You dare order me around . You are just a drab for me ( thrusting her mercilessly ) 

After 20 minutes .He was still fu*k*ng the girl , but a phone call bothered him

??? : wtf man ,,,, can't I even fuck someone peacefully ? ( groan in annoyance )

He take his phone from nightstand and saw the caller ID . It was his brother..

??? : hello Jimini hyung . What makes you call me at this hour ?

Jimin : first of all tell me what are you still doing in busan when you have already complete your mission ? ( angry )

??? : umm I actually I was ahh ,, yeah just like that uhhmmm ( moaning )

Jimin  : you are doing s** again ,, if Jin hyung or suga hyung comes to know about that  ,  you are dead for sure .

??? : I'm busy right now . if you don't have anything to say I'm hanging up .

Jimin  : I can see how much busy you are ( whisper ) ,,,,, listen carefully you busy man we got a problem here . One of our f*c*ing worker betrayed us and stole 70 million dollars . Now you have to come here and handle this fu*kin* mess .Before dad comes to know about it .

??? : this bas**rd .. ok hyung I will be there shortly . Bye

Jimin  :  bye ( call ended )

Random girl  : why did you stop daddy . I want you more ( seducedly)
Nobody gave me this much pleasure like you did .

??? : is that so ( smirk ) well I can give you something else .

Random girl  : what is it daddy?

??? : Death ( smirk )

Before the girl can do something , he shot her forehead..

??? : bloody bi*ch ( cleaning blood stains form his face )


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