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《Yn slowly went towards her brother who sleeping on the bed . She sit besides her and hold his hand . Tears were continuously falling from her eyes as she can't see her brother in this condition . And somehow she's blaming herself for everything . 》

《 she touch his face and called him softly . 》

Y/n : Bh-bhaiya . Wake up it's me y/n .

《 she said while crying . After few seconds faizan slowly opened his eyes and looked at her .》

Faizan : Y/n . My baby how did you came here , are you okay ?.

《As soon as he saw her . He tried to get up from the bed . But soon hisses in pain . Y/n helped him to get up and immediately hugged him but was careful to not to hurt his wounds . Faizan also warped his hands around her waist . Y/n starts to cry more loudly . 》

《Between their chaos they failed to miss that a pair of eyes are looking at them darkly as he saw that they are being to touchy . He clenched his fist . And tried to control himself 》

《Although he knows that they are siblings but still y/n is his only , and he really hates if someone touch something which belongs to him Only 》

Faizan : sush my baby don't cry .

Y/n : I miss you so much bhaiya .

《she said while continuously crying . While faizan was creasing her back to calm her . After sometime she backed away and faizan wiped her tears . 》

Y/n  : Bhaiya are you okay . Are your wounds paining much .

《She said between her hiccup while totally looking like a baby . Faizan chuckled lightly looking at her 》

Faizan : No those wounds aren't hurting much . Don't worry I'm fine . *(he said with a smile )* By the way how did you came here . Last thing I remember they had kidnapped us and when I gained my conscious properly I was in this room . I tried to escape but never let me do that . I also asked them about you but nobody told me anything . Are you okay . He didn't did anything to you right ?

《Faizan said without any break. Whole time he was only thinking about her only . 》

Y/n : I'm fine bhaiya .Nathing happened to me .

《 yn said in a low voice . Looking down . She wanted to tell him everything including the marriage thing but she don't to make him more worried . She will tell him when he will recover fully . They both talk for few minutes . Then faizan said 》

Faizan : Did ammu or abbu anyone had called you ?

《Faizan asked being worried as he knows that it's been so long they had a talk with their parents . And they will definitely try to contact with them 》

Y/n : Actually ammu had called me ,she find out about us staying in Korea . I guess she tracked our location .

Faizan : Hmm maybe . Did she said something else ?

Y/n : Yeah she was asking about you but I somehow make an excuse . But for how long we will avoid them bhaiya . Just imagine . What will happen when ammu abbu will comes to know about it .

《Yn said , totally terrified even about the thought of their parents knowing about it . As their parents are too strict . 》

Faizan : Don't be so scared . I will handle them okey . You don't have to worry .

《Faizan said assuring y/n . He had no idea that his sister is getting married .
While yn can't stop thinking that how her parents and brother gonna react when they will know about it . She's 100% sure that her mother gonna cut her into pieces . The thought of her parents making her uneasy . 》

《Faizan got confused by looking at her uneasiness but understand that she is hiding something . So he was about to inquire further but stopped 》

Jungkook : Okay stop now . Times up .

《Jungkook said and stand from the sofa . He was quietly sitting on their and observing the brother sister duo .  faizan looked at the direction and got shocked as he didn't even acknowledge jungkook's presence .va his whole focus was on his sister only 》

《Jungkook comes and stand infornt of y/n who was looking down . Jungkook holds her hand was about to turn but faizan hold her other hand and said 》

Faizan  : what the hell do you mean . Why are you taking her . Let her go .

《Faizan said being little angry . Faizan wanted to fight back with him . But it was to difficult for to even stand properly because of his injuries .
Jungkook looked back at him said . 》

Jungkook : Oh brother in law . I don't need to give any explanation to anyone for where am I taking her . She's my mine and I won't like you interfering between our matter .

《Jungkook said possessively while a creepy smile was visible on his face .》

Faizan : you---

《Faizan was about to say something but y/n stopped her as she does want the situation to get worse  》

Y/n : Bhaiya don't worry . I will be okay . But please don't take stress hmm  ? .

《Saying this she was about to go to him for last hug but jungkook hold her and said 》

Jungkook : Enough touchy for today .

《Saying this he forcefully dragged her outside the room without giving a damm about faizan who was shouting . 》

《 They both sit on the car , yn was sitting silently while looking outside and jungkook was driving .》

《After sometime they stopped infornt of somi's house . Y/n was about to come out of the car without even sparing any glance to him but jungkook tightly hold her wrist . Making her hiss in pain . 》

《 She looked at him and realised that their faces are too close with each other . She was about to leaned back but jungkook hold her jaw with his other hand . 》

Jungkook : Did you enjoy your time with your brother doll .

《his voice was cold yet dominating , yn felt a shiver runs through her body . She felt scared by looking at him . She didn't said anything but just nodded her head slightly .》

《Jungkook was just looking at her creepily , he didn't bother to look away even knowing that she's feeling uncomfortable under his gaze . 》

《 Yn was just waiting for jungkook to leave her hands so that she can go inside but his next words makes her breath stopped for a moment 》

You think I will let you easily . Do you think I'm a fool or what .........



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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