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《when she came out of her house she saw that jungkook was standing outside of her house while leaning against the car . His one hand was inside his pocket . He was wearing a white suit which increase his handsome ness more 》

 He was wearing a white suit which increase his handsome ness more 》

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《She slowly went towards him . Jungkook still didn't notice her as he was using his phone. But when he felt her presence he looked up at her . When he looked at her he felt like.  Everything around him stopped for a moment . He was seeing everything blurred except her . She was looking breathtaking in her gorgeous dress. By looking at her only one word come from his mouth 》

 By looking at her only one word come from his mouth 》

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Jungkook  : Mine *(he said possessively)*

Y/n : I'm not yours . *( irritate voice)*

Jungkook : Accept it or not doll . You are mine. *(smirk)* so shall we go . *(he said and opened the car door for her)*

Y/n : yes please. *(rolled her eyes and went inside the car)*

《Jungkook chuckle at her sassy behaviour and closed the door then he leaned towards her through the car window and said 》

Jungkook  : I told you before and I'm telling you now . BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR ATTITUDE . I won't tolerate if you misbehave with me okey ? *( he said calmly but with a dangerous voice)*

《Y/n didn't said anything she just glued and nodded her head slowly 》

Jungkook : Good girl. *( he smiled and patted her cheek)*

《Soon he also  went inside the car car and start driving. Whole drive was silent , she was busy looking outside but unaware about the fact that jungkook was looking at her time to time 》

《Soon the both reached the restaurant. It was one of the most famous and expensive restaurants in the whole Korea . And jungkook booked the whole restaurant just for her . 》

𝓘𝓶  𝓝𝓞𝓽  𝓨𝓸𝓤𝓻'𝓼・❥・[ ᴶᵉᵒⁿ ᴶᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏ ] Where stories live. Discover now