pařt ¹³

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AUTHOR POV __°•°__

《 As soon as they entered the room jungkook close the door behind him and pinned her to the wall harshly making her whimper in the pain 》

Y/n : jungkook what the hell are you doing . Leave me *(start to push him)*

Jungkook : what am I doing huh ? What am I doing . *(shouting)* then What about you . What the fuck are you doing . How dare you to delay the marriage date . Did you forget about your brother . Do you want me to remind you that what can I do with him . *(angry)*

《 jungkook hold her wrist more tightly》

Y/n : No jungkook please don't do anything to him . I delay the date because . I haven't talk with my parents about it . And I need some time to talk with them . Please jungkook give me some time .

Jungkook was just glaring at her without saying anything 》

Yn : Look jungkook , I'm doing everything according to you . But I really need some time to talk with my parents . Please try to understand .

Jungkook  : So you really don't care about your brother . Huh ?  *(cold voice)*

Y/n : please jungkook don't do anything to him . I did agree to marry with you right ? then why will you still hurt him . I just - I just need some time . That's it . Please jungkook . *(pleading)*

Jungkook : ahhh

《Jungkook punched the wall near her face while still looking at her 》

Jungkook : Fine . I'm giving you 15 days to convince your parents . But as a punishment you can't meet with your brother till then . *(smirk)*

Y/n : w-what . But you promised me that you will let me meet with him today if I behave well infornt of your family . And I did . Then why you will not let me meet with him .

Jungkook : punishment doll . Punishment . For delaying the marriage date . So The sooner marriage date will be fix the sooner you will meet with your brother .

Y/n : Jungkook please don't do that , please let me meet with him . I don't know how is he , is he alright or not , I really want to meet with him jungkook  please. Let me meet with my bother .

Jungkook  : I said no doll and no means no . You aren't allowed to meet with him . *(gritted teeth)*

Y/n  : please jungkook . I will do anything you will say . But please I want to see him atleast once .

Jungkook  : anything ? You will do anything .

Y/n : yes . Please let me see him once .

Jungkook : then sleep with me before marriage . What say ? *(smirk)*

Y/n : what rubbish is this jungkook . *(shout angrily)*

《 jungkook didn't say anything he just start laughing . While yn was dumbfounded 》

Jungkook : hahaha just look at your face . Hahaha

Y/n : that's not funny .

Jungkook : isn't it ? *(laughing)*

Y/n : stop laughing jungkook . *(irritate)*

Jungkook  : okay okey . Then come on a date with me tonight .

Y/n  : what  . A date ? *(confused)*

Jungkook : yeap a dinner date . Only then I might let you meet with your brother .

Y/n : umm o-okey . I will go on a date with you.

Jungkook : Good . Then be ready tonight at 8 o'clock . I will come to pick you up . Got it ?

Y/n  : yeah .

Jungkook  : now let's go . We don't want them to think wrong about us . Do we ? *( wink)*

《 saying this he start to walk outside . 》

Jimin : wow you guys took more time then expected . Are you sure , you guys only talked and nathing else . *(smirk)*

Jungkook : hyungggg come on *(whining)*

Jimin  : Haha okey okey .

《 after talking for some more time the all left the house 》

《 now it was evening y/n was getting ready to go on a date with jungkook . She was looking at her reflection into the mirror while thinking deeply . She was thinking that just how her life changed in a blink of an eye 》

《 soon she received a massage from jungkook that he's waiting outside for her . 》

《 she takes a deep breath and grab her purse and left the house 》

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