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Author pov __°•°__
《 Here y/n was banging on the door of faiza's room . It's been 30 minutes he locked himself inside the room . 》

Y/n : Bhaiya please open the door . Bhaiya please . Come out . Let's talk about it bhaiya *( crying)*

《 but still faizan didn't opened the door . She could clearly hear the sound of sobs. She was worried about him 》

Y/n  : Bhaiya please open the door bhaiya . Let me come inside .*(bang)*  We can talk about it.  Bhaiya please *( crying)*

《 still he didn't opened the door neither he give any response . Suddenly out of nowhere somi come inside the house while running looking at her face anyone can easily say that she is terrified . Y/n was confused . 》

Somi : y/n . What happened ? Are you both okey ? *(concern)*  I heard......  *(cut off by y/n)*

Y/n  : somi you come at the right time . Do you have any duplicate keys of this room . Can you please bring it .*(asked desperately)* Bhaiya isn't opening his room . Please somi can you give me the key .  *(crying)*

《 somi wanted to asked so many questions . But looking at y/n's condition she didn't asked anything. She hurriedly brought the keys and give it to y/n . As soon as y/n got the key she opened the door and go inside.  》

《 The scene was not so pleasant for y/n . Her heart broke into thousands pieces by looking at her brother. Faizan was sitting on the floor  crying his heart out . She quickly run towards him and hugged him . 》

Y/n : bhaiya , bhaiya why are you crying. Are you hurt somewhere . Please tell me . Where are you feeling pain. 

《 she thought that maybe those guards hurts him so much that's why he's in pain 》

Faizan : yes yes I'm feeling pain . *(shout)* I'm feeling pain inside my heart . How pathetic I'm . *(crying)* I couldn't even protect my sister. That bastard was literally threatening my sister infornt of my own eyes and I couldn't do anything . I'm so pathetic . *( shout + punching on the floor)*

Y/n : No no bhaiya you are not please don't said like that . *(crying)*

Faizan : yes I'm . You also think me as a pathetic brother right ? That's why you didn't bother to tell me anything about the incident last night . Cause you thought that I can't protect you right.? I'm such a bad brother *(crying)*

Y/n  : Bhaiya shut up.  You are thinking too much . I didn't told you last night cause I didn't wanted to make you worried. I didn't know that this thing will become so serious. I thought he will just forget about it . I'm so sorry bhaiya. *(tears)*

Faizan : But I can't forget that someone threat you infornt of me and I couldn't do anything. I'm such a loser . *(crying)*

Y/n : Don't you dare to say this again bhaiya. You aren't a loser. You are a best brother anyone could ask for . Please don't said like this again bhaiya.

《 after sometime which fell like hours . Faizan calmed down 》

Faizan : We can't just sit here without doing anything . Let's go to the police station . And complain about him .

Somi : It will be just waste of time oppa .

《 suddenly somi spoke making the both siblings shocked . 》

𝓘𝓶  𝓝𝓞𝓽  𝓨𝓸𝓤𝓻'𝓼・❥・[ ᴶᵉᵒⁿ ᴶᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏ ] Where stories live. Discover now