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AUTHOR POV __°▪︎° __

《 When she was  mid in the alley . She saw something unexpected . She saw some people were beating a man mercilessly . She never ever imagine in her life that she will witness something like that . She was terrified from inside. But still she manage to maintain her bravery face . And start to walk ahead . She thought that without doing or saying anything she could pass by them . But how wrong she was . When she was getting closer to them a guard come in front of her .  making her flinch .》

Guard : Hey young girl . What do you think you are doing in this place ? .

Y/n : Huh *( removed her earpods)*

Guard  : I asked what are you doing here ?.

Y/n : Actually I wa.. *( interrupt by someone)*

??? : what's happening here ?

Guard : Boss I think this girl is a spy . One of our rivals must have sent her to monitor our activities . Otherwise Why did she come to this place when she can clearly see that someone is being bitten to death .

Y/n : What spy ! And me . No sir you must have misunderstood . I'm not a spy .

??? : Is that so hmm . *( rise his eyebrows )* ... then why a pretty lady like you doing here at this hour ? *(looking at her from top to toe while licking his lips )*

《 Y/n was feeling very uncomfortable under his gaze . She was inwardly praying to Allah to get her out of here without any mess 》

Y/N : A--actually sir this is the o--only way of my house .I was just going to my home.  Please sir let me go i swear i will not say this to anyone.

??? : Haha what made you think like that I will let you go huh . When you saw everything , what if you say this to police.  Why will I trust you ?

《 Albeit he wasn't afraid of anyone not even police . Why would he after all he's the mafia king JEON JUNGKOOK . He was just teasing her because he found her kinda interesting 》

Y/n : No sir please trust me I will not tell this to anyone just let me go .

Jk : why will I let you go this easily . *( smirk )*

Y/n : Means ? *( confused )*

Jk : First answer my questions .

Y/n : what are those? .

Jk : who are you? *( looking at her with sharp eyes )* and why did you dress yourself like that  ? You doesn't also look like Korean . Where are you from?

Y/n : My name is y/n zubair .  I'm from Canada but my nationality is Bangladesh . And I dress up like that because im Muslim . Umm N--now can I go sir please? *( looking at him with hopeful
Eyes )*

Jk : Ofc you can go . But in one condition *( smirk )*

Y/n : what is it ? *( confused )*

Jk : ....................

Y/n : what *( shocked )*

《 it's already too late y/n didn't came home yet . Faizan was calling her continuously.  But her phone was switched off. He was getting impatient negative thoughts were running into his head . Atleast he decided that he will go outside to look for her . As soon as he opened the door he saw that  y/n was standing there,, breathing heavily .looks like she run a marathon . 》

𝓘𝓶  𝓝𝓞𝓽  𝓨𝓸𝓤𝓻'𝓼・❥・[ ᴶᵉᵒⁿ ᴶᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏ ] Where stories live. Discover now