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588 16 2

AUTHOR POV __°•°__

《 Yn woke up early in the morning . Looking at the clock it was showing 10 o'clock . She got up from the bed and did her morning routine .After that She went downstairs and saw that somi is in kitchen . She was making breakfast for them . 》

《 When somi notice her presence she give all her attention to y/n . 》

Somi : Hey , you woke up . Come and have breakfast . You didn't eat anything since yesterday .

Y/n : Sorry somi , I'm not in mood to eat anything .

Somi : Y/n I understand that you are worried about your brother . But please eat something . You won't get your brother back if you starve yourself .

Y/n : what do I do somi ? , how can I sit peacefully , knowing that my brother isn't safe . Only Allah knows , in which condition he is ? *(crying)*

Somi : sush don't cry i'm sure he will be fine . *(hugs her)* now come and have something . Your brother won't be happy if he hear that you starve yourself . Come sit .

Y/n  : Somi I'm really....

Somi : shut up . I will not hear anything . You have to eat something and that's final .

《 somi didn't let her say anything . She forcefully made her sit on the chair and serve her food . Y/n also start eating . After few minutes .》

Y/n : Btw somi I want to tell you something .

Somi : What it is ?

Y/n : Today jungkook's family is coming to see me

Somi : *(choked on her food )*  wha-what 

Y/n : Hey are you okay  ? Here drink some water . *(pat her back)*

Somi : Who are coming ? Jungkook's family , means his brothers and sister in laws ?

Y/n : yeah I guess , this is what he said . But what's wrong with you . Why did the colour of your face fade away ?

Somi : Y/n do you have any single idea about your future in laws ?

Y/n : How will I have . I don't even know them .

Somi : aish this girl she's going to be a part of a very dangerous family and she don't even know . God please save her .

Y/n : What do you mean by dangerous family ? And stop scaring okey ?

Somi : I'm telling the fact girl . They are the most powerful and strongest family in the whole south Korea . Although all of the brothers are doing their respective works but besides that they are also known as merciless mafias . And the leader of their gang is jeon jungkook himself  .

Y/n : really ? . Are they mafias ?*(shocked)*

Somi : yes and do you kn-

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