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Author pov __°•°__
《 it's around 11o'clock at night . Y/n and faizan were ready to leave . There flight is at 12:30 am . It tooks 40 minutes to reach airport  . 》
Somi : As much as I don't want you to leave but that's for your own good . I hope we will meet again *(kinda emotional)*

Y/n : Ofcourse we will meet again but not in Korea . I never want to come here again . If you ever visit Canada  inform me I will be at your service. *(smile)*

Somi : Soon I will visit Canada . Just to meet with you  . *(smile)*

Y/n : that's my girl .

Faizan : Thanks somi for letting us stay  in your house .  we really appreciate your hospitality . You were so good with us .

Y/n : yes we really enjoyed here with you . these few days were amazing . I will miss you so much . *(hugs her)*

Somi : I will also miss you both . *(hugs her back)* .

《 suddenly they hear a horn 》

Faizan  : Cab is here . Let's go y/n .

Y/n : yeah let's go . Bye somi take care of yourself .

Faizan : Bye Somi .

Somi : Have a safe journey guys  . Bye .

《 They both went inside the car . They were happy that jungkook won't be able to harm them anymore . ONLY IF THEY KNEW WHAT KIND OF STORM IS WAITING FOR THEM IN FUTURE .

Y/n : I had never imagine in my life that something will happened like that . This is a awful experience of mine .

Faizan : Mine also .

Y/n : I still feel disgusted . Whenever I remember his words of previous night *(disgusted face)*

Faizan : Just try to forget it y/n . We are Leaving already . He won't be able to bother you again . Everything will be fine once we left from here. *(comfort her)*

Y/n  : yeah I should try to forget about it .

《 they were talking but abruptly driver stopped the car in the middle of the road. They were so confused. 》

Faizan : what happened uncle.? Why did you stopped the car .?

Driver  : It's not my fault sir . Suddenly out of nowhere a car stopped infornt of our car . So I had to brake .

《 before they could understand anything one by one lots of cars start to come . Soon they were surrounded by the cars . They both were confused they didn't understand that what's happening . But the next moment they were terrified when they saw the person who come out from the car . 》

《 it's none other than JEON JUNGKOOK . He's holding a gun and totally looking like a maniac who is ready to destroy his prey .》

《 jungkook had assigned a men to keep an eye on her . And the men had informed him about their activities 》

《 soon jungkook come and open the door of y/n's side and pull her out forcefully.  and his guard open the door of faizan's side and  pulled him harshly and pushed him on the road and point their guns on his forehead . Meanwhile jungkook was holding y/n's hand tightly . She was struggling to get free from his grip . 》

Y/n : What are you doing you moron leave us . Let us go *(struggling)*

Jungkook  : Were you going somewhere doll ? . Do you want me to drop you at your real place huh ? . *(Sarcastically)*

Y/n  : Ho-how did you know a-about our Whereabouts . *(scared)*

Jungkook  : Wrong step doll wrong step *(held her chin firmly)* I have my own ways . I ain't a mafia king for nathing . no matter wherever you hide in the world I will find you no matter what and . I will cage you for your whole life . You can't escape from me doll .*(husky voice)*

Faizan  : Don't you dare to touch her . I will kill you . *(struggling to get free)*

Jungkook  : I didn't asked for your permission to touch what's mine .*(angry)*

Y/n  : please let us go *(pleading)*

Jungkook  : which part of "I can't let you go" you couldn't understand huh *(gritted his teeth)*. you are MINE  . You are meant to be mine . If you ever dare to say again , to let you go . Then I swear , i will make you  see the real hell .  *(shout + angry)*

Y/n  : No . I'M NØT YOUR'S. And I will never be . *(shout)*

《 a slapped landed on her face . Because of the force she couldn't kept her balance and fall on the road . Jungkook slept her very hard . 》

Faizan : How dare you fucking bastard to slap my sister . Just set me free and see what I will do to you . *(angry)*

《 jungkook completely ignored him and bent down to y/n's face . And slide down the gun from her forehead to her jaw .》

Jungkook  : Now now doll . Don't you think that there is a punishment needed ? . Well I'm not that cruel that I will punish both of you. *(inocent face)* I will just punish one of you . Now tell me Should I give you the punishment or should I give the punishment to my beloved brother-in-law . Huh .*(playing with the gun)*

Y/n  : p-please just l-let us go . Don't do an-anything to us p-please .🙏 *(fold her hands infornt of him)*.

Jungkook  : uhhh *(frustrated)* you are really getting on my nerves now . I have to teach you a lesson . So that the thought of leaving me will never come to your mind again .  Guards *( shout)*

《 he's guards immediately understand that what he means . And they pull out a injection and inject faizan. And he fall on the road unconscious . 》

Y/n  : Bhaiya *(shout)*

《 Before she could run towards him . Jungkook hold her by her elbow and hug her from the back . She was struggling to get free until she felt a pain in her neck .and she fall unconscious in his arms. Yes jungkook inject her also. 》

Jungkook  : Sleep well doll . Cause you might not get a good sleep again. *(smirk)*

《Saying that he take her in bridal style. And put her Inside his car . His guards dragged faizan towards another car and literally throw him into the back sit . 》

Time skip  after 4 hours  .
《 when y/n slowly comes into her scenes.  She tried to open her eyes but failed. She couldn't even move her hands.  Then she understand that she's sitting on a chair and she is blindfolded . her hands are  also tied behind her back . 》

Y/n : Oh no .  where am I ? How is bhaiya is he alright ? Allah Please help us . *(inwardly praying)*
Jungkook  : wake up soon  doll . I have a not so pleasant surprise for you *(smirk)*


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