chapter one

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Kali was checking herself out in front of her mirror in her room. , Nah this makes me look fat" Kali said with a disgusted face. Kali changed into some mom jeans and a hello kitty crop top and looked at herself in the mirror again. , Yeah, that's good. But it's missing something" Kali said and started to think. , Ah, I know" Kali said with a smirk and walked out of her room and knocked on her brother's door. , What do you want?" Shuji said annoyed as he opened the door of his room. , Give me your hoodie" Kali said with a sweet smile. Shuji groaned and closed the door. A few seconds after his doors opened again and he threw a hoodie in her face. , Thanks" Kali rolled her eyes with a small smile and then walked back to her room. Kali changed into her pj's and grabbed her yearbook. She looked at the photos from last year. , Damn it, a seventh grade for the second time" Kali said with a frown as she closed the book. , What am I gonna do without Bonnie or Shuji in my class?" Kali asked herself as she lay in her bed and closed her eyes. Shuji was her twin, and you wouldn't see these two without each other, there were some special moments. 


Kali walked out of her room in her new outfit. She walked into the doorway of the dining room and started to laugh as she saw her sister sitting on a chair with a bowl on her head and Yuki, her mom, with sscissorsin her hands. , You are so fucked" Kali said and she wheezed. , Shut up!" Maya cried out. Shuji walked towards Kali and then he looked at what she was laughing at, making him laugh too. , What the fuck did you do?" Shuji asked. , Shut up, Shuji!" Maya cried out again. Kali and Shuji fist bumped each other and walked away. 

Later Kali stood outside with Maya and Yuki, waiting for Anna's mom to pick them up. Anna is Maya's best friend. A car stopped in front of their house and Maya went in first. When Maya moved to the back, Kali went in the car and moved to the back. , Hi Mrs. Kone" Kali smiled. , Hi Kali" Anna's mom said with a smile. Kali grabbed her headphones from her back and put on some music. Kali side-eyed her sister and her sister's best friend and then Shuji came into the car. , Move your bag, dummy" Shuji said to Maya. , Don't call me that!" Maya raised her voice and he grabbed Maya's bag, passing it to her. , Are we picking up Sam next?" Maya asked. , Yeah" Anna answered. , Hey Shu" Kali said to Shuji. , What?" Shuji rolled his eyes and turned to look at her. , Do you have my box?" Kali asked him. It was a box with lighter and hercigarettess. , Yeah, you always forget it, dumbass" Shuji said and grabbed Kali's box and gave it to her. , Thanks" Kali said as she hid it in her bag. Then they pulled up to Sam's house and the boy climbed into the car. , Hi guys" Sam turned arountooo look at Maya and Anna, then he noticed Maya's hair. , Maya what the fuck did you do to your hair?" He asked. , Na, you said it looked good" Maya whined. , It does look good. I don't know why" Anna was cut out by Sam. , It looks like shit, Maya" Sam laughed. , Suck my balls, Sam" Maya said. , Suck these balls" Sam sai , Ew!" 

, That's nasty Sam" Anna said. Shuji made da isgusted face. , Oh, this seventh grade is gonna be even worse" Kali groaned. , Hey Shuji" Anna said, but he ignored her. , Happyeightht grade" Anna said agan, but got ignored by the boy again. , Anna stop it" Kali said witha  disgusted face.

When they stopped Kali hid her headphones in her bag and walked out of the car after Sam and Shuji. , See you at lunch" Shuji said and walked away. Kali didn't wait on Anna and Maya and walked inside the school, some people gave her dirty looks but she ignored them. , Yo. Dustin. Look, isn't that Kali Ishii-Peters?" Brendt said to his best friend. , Isn't she like aeighthht grader?" Dustin said to him. , Nah, she got held back. Damn, she got way hotter over the summer" Brendt said and Dustin nodded. 

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