chapter nine

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, Kali, some buy just knocked on our doors and said he's picking you up" Yuki knocked on the doors of her daughter's room. , Oh, yeah. Thanks, Mom. I'll be home at ten, I love you" Kali said quickly and ran to the front door, put on her shoes and then she walked out of the house. , I love you too" Yuki shook her head at her daughter. , Hi Dustin" Kali smiled a little when she saw the Boy. , Hey ma" Dustin grinned. The two teenagers walked side by side. They were quiet the whole time. They reached a local playground and sat on a swing. , So, what did you want to talk about?" Kali looked at Dustin. , About the kiss" Dustin answered and stood up. He walked in front of her. Kali needed to look up since she was sitting on the swing. , I really, really like you. And I wanted to ask you this for a long time" Dustin said and took a deep breath. , So my question is. Will you be my girlfriend?" Dustin asked Kali, his eyes glowing with many emotions. , I like you too, for a long ass time. So yes, I will be your girlfriend" Kali said with a smile. , Can I kiss you?" Dustin asked the girl in front of him. , Why do you even ask" Kali said as her cheeks got red. Dustin placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her soft lips. Kali smiled into the kiss as she placed her hands on his hips. Both of them were a blushing mess. Kali couldn't believe it, she never had an actual boyfriend, since the few boys before Dustin were only hookups and nothing more, but now she finally found her person, her Dustin. 

When Kali got home she couldn't stop smiling. , It's dinner,  dear. Come sit" Yuki said when she saw Kali and Kali nodded. , Why are you smiling so much? It's creepy" Shuji said with a confused look. , None of your business, ugly" Kali frowned and kicked his chair as she passed by him and then sat next to him. , Mama, pickled please" Maya said to Yuki in Japanese, making Kali look at her weirdly. , Why are you talking like that?" Shuji asked. , Exactly my thoughts" Kali agreed with Shuji. , I'm not talking like anything" Maya said and grabbed her chopsticks. Shuji scoffed and Kali raised her eyebrow at her but said nothing. , Tonight we pay respect to Ojichan" Yuki said to her children. , Why?" Maya asked. , It's his birthday, moron. What, did you forget?" Shuji said to her and Kali stared at her with blankly face. , No. Ok mama" Maya said and Yuki smiled. Kali just ignored her sister and sighed. 

, Happy birthday Ojichan. Thank you for always watching over us" Yuki said as the four family members stood in front of Ojichan's pictures. , Mama. What do you mean, he's always watching over us?" Maya asked her mother. , He protects us and watches over us all the time. Uh, when you're walking the street, or when you're brushing your teeth. All the time" Yuki answered her youngest daughter. , Even when I'm in bed asleep?" Maya asked again, making Kali look at her weirdly. , Yes" Yuki nodded. , Like, even when I'm... I don't know, like napping?" Maya asked again. , Yes" Yuki answered. 

After that Kali went to her room and called Bonnie. , Hey, girl" Bonnie said cheerfully when she answered the phone. , Hey Bon-Bon" Kali said with a smile. , So did you talk to Dustin?" Bonnie asked Kali. , Yes, and now we're dating!" Kali said and Bonnie squealed. , Finally" Bonnie laughed. , Anyways. How are you?" Kali asked her best friend. , I'm good, Mom's out of the house, so yeah. And you, how are you, love?" Bonnie said with a smile. , I'm good, but you know Maya's acting weird. Today she kept asking Mom if Ojichan is watching her all the time and shit" Kali said and plopped on her bed. , I mean, it's Maya, you know her" Bonnie said. , That's true" Kali chuckled. , you're on the phone with Bonnie?" Shuji asked as he barged into her room once again. , Learn how to fucking knock!" Kali shouted at Shuji who ploped on the bed next to her and took the phone away from her ear. , Hi Bonnie" Shuji greeted Bonnie. , Oh, hi Shuji" Bonnie laughed as she heard the two. , Shuji get out of my room!" Kali groaned. , Fuck you, I'm talking to Bonnie" Shuji said and pushed Kali out of her own bed.

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