chapter two

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, Anna Kone?" Kali's homeroom teacher called out. , Present" Anna said. , Uhh, Brendt Jackson?" The teacher called out. , President!" Brendt said in a funny voice making the class laugh. , Oh my god, that's so funny" Kali said with a sarcastic smile. , Ok. Cool guy" the teacher nodded his head. , Maya Ishii-Peters" the teacher called out. , Present," Maya said with a smile. , Ishii... Oishi... you making me hungry. That means food, right?" the teacher asked and Kali glared at him. , Yeah. That's crazy. How do you know that?" Maya asked. , Spent a little time in Japan teaching English in my 20s" the teacher said to Maya. , Right. Kali Ishii-Peters" the teacher called out. , Here" Kali said lazily. , Maya?" Anna asked Maya. , What?" Maya asked. , Um, is Alex looking at me?" Anna asked her best friend. Maya turned her head to look at Alex, but he was staring in front of him and not at Anna. , No" Maya answered. , How about now? Hold on" Anna said and pulled her bra stripe down a little. , No. No, he's hitting Brandt in the balls" Maya said to her. That made Kali look at the two. , You guys are worse than children" Kali whispered to Brandt and Alex, making them flip her off. , OK. Listen up, everyone. I have your locker assignments. So you can just take it outside" the teacher said and the bell rang.

Kali walked out of the class and went to her locker. On her locker was a paper that says ' Brandt loves Maya' and ' Dustin loves Maya'. , Oh these two better not" Kali said with a frown and rip the two papers. Kali is known for being protective of her siblings. Kali opened her locker and put some things inside.

, They think I'm fine, and Heather likes my haircut" Maya said and Kali turned to look at her. They were in the chanching room, since the next period is PE., She better not make fun of you" Kali said and sat next to Maya. , Brandt loves you" Anna said to Maya. , Brandt loves Maya. Dustin loves Maya" Maya said. , Dustin loves you" Anna said. , Wait. Wait a second. Wait. Is there another Maya?" Maya asked Anna and Kali. , No" Anna and Kali said. , No" Maya repeated. , No, I- I can't think of anyone" Anna said. , Yeah. So it's me" Maya said. , It's you" Anna repeated. , It's me. Oh my God! Oh my God!" Maya said happily. , Hey you three! You think you can talk over me?" The PE teacher asked the three girls. , No" Anna and Maya said. , Yes" Kali said. The teacher gave them a pair of shirts and shorts. , I've got my eyes on you three," the teacher said and walked off. , Bitch" Kali rolled her eyes.

Kali was sitting on a bench, bored out of her mind, next to Maya and Anna and listening to their conversation. , Oh my God, I'm so sorry, but, like, here comes Brandt" Anna said as she saw Brandt, he sit next to Maya. Kali turned on Maya but when she looked at her, her sister was watching Brandt's neck making her look back on the field. , But then again, there's Dustin. He's fly" Anna said and the three girls looked at Dustin. He had hands on his knees as he was bending over and he looked to the side, catching Kali's eyes. , His earing is so hot" Maya said and Kali nodded, even though she didn't really heard her since she was busy looking at Dustin. , Yeah, I know" Anna agreed. , He is so cute" Maya said. , Don't you, like, have a crush on him Kali?" Anna turned to look at Kali. , What? No, the fuck? Even a rock is hotter than him" Kali said quickly. , Okay, sure" Anna said, not trusting her. , And then there's... him" Anna said as she looked at Alex. , Earth to Blondie! Batter up!" The teacher shouted. , Don't shout you old hag. You are making my ears hurt" Kali glared at the teacher, but the teacher didn't hear her. Dustin chuckled. He heard it. 

Anna kicked the ball and it hit Alex in his face making Kali burst out laughing. , This, this made my fucking day" Kali said between her laughs. , Man down. Everybody it down. Hey you! Take your victim to the nurse" the teacher called out and it made Kali to laugh even more. , Older Ishii-Peters! Stop laughing!" The teacher shouted at Kali. , I'm sorry but that was funny" Kali said as she stopped laughing. Dustin watched her with a small smile. , Maybe that's why I like-like her" Dustin whispered to himself.

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