chapter eight

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, Hurry up, dummy! We're gonna be late for school!" Shuji shouted at Maya who was in the bathroom. The twins were knocking on the doors. , It's my bathroom too! Shut up!" Maya shouted. , What are you doing in there? Shaving your back?" Shuji asked and barged in, Kali slapped him across his forehead. , You can't just barge in! I was brushing my teeth!" Maya shouted and Shuji shoved her away, so Kali and he could brush their teeth. , There is no privacy in this house! " Maya yelled, making Kali snort. , Dumbass" Kali shook her head. 

Kali sits in a seat in front of Dustin. They didn't talk about what happened and it made her nervous. She looked around the class and saw Maya being weird. Well, Maya is kinda weird all the time but this time it was, weird. Kali didn't even realize she spaced out when she heard the bell ring. She walked out of the classroom. , Yo! Ma!" She heard a voice behind her, making her turn. , Hi, Dustin" Kali smiled. , Do you want to hang out today?" Dustin asked. , Uh... Yeah sure, why not" Kali smiled. , Alright, that's good, I'll see you later, yeah?" Dustin smiled and ruffled her hair. , Whatever" Kali mumbled and she fixed her hair. 

, So we called 603, 606, we'll skip 605 'cause everyone's gonna call 605" Anna said to Maya who was spacing out again. It was lunchtime, and Kali forgot her lunch at home and she didn't have any money on her. , Hey Sam, do you have a dollar?" Kali turned to look at Sam and he nodded. Sam gave her a dollar and Kalli smiled. , Thanks" Kali patted his head and went to buy some snacks from a vending machine. She grabbed Skittles. When she sat down back at her table the first thing she heard was. , Can you just suck my balls?" From Sam, making her snort. , I'll pass" Kali said and gave him two Skittles. , Oh, can I barf all over your fat face?" Anna said. Kali spaced out. She was thinking about Dustin.

After school Kali meet up with Bonnie and the two girls gave each other a long hug. , Oh what the fuck" Bonnie groaned and pointed at Anna and Maya who were dancing. , Just ignore them" Kali shrugged. , True" Bonnie said and the two started to walk. , You know, Maya's being weird today" Kali said. , She's always weird" Bonnie pointed out. , That's true, but like, she's weirder than normal, you what I think... She's getting horny" Kali said. , What makes you think that?" Bonnie looked at Kali. , Well, this morning I woke her up, and I swear I smell some weird shit" Kali said to Bonnie. , Damn, anyway, did Dustin talk to you about the, you know what?" Bonnie asked Kali. , No, at least not yet. But he asked me to hang out with him today" Kali shrugged and kicked a rock that she saw on the ground. , He better talk to you. Well, I'll see you later. Bye, love" Bonnie said and hugged Kali when they reached Kali's house. , Bye Bon-Bon" Kali smiled. She went to her room and dropped her bag. Then she grabbed a telephone from her nightstand and called Dustin. , Dustin is speaking" Kali heared Dustin's voice on the other side of the line. , Hey, Dustin. So when should we go?" Kali asked nervously. , I'll pick you up in few minutes" Dustin said. , Alright, see you later" Kali sighed. , Bye ma" Dustin said. Kali sighed and then she yelped when Shuji barged into her room. , Can't you fucking knock you psycho!" Kali shouted and kicked him in the shin. , Me? A psycho? You are the one who just fucking kicked me!" Shuji cried out in pain as he held his leg. , Get out, fuckass" Kali said and pushed him out of her room, making him fall on his back and she shut her door with a small laugh when she heard him groan in pain. 

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