chapter six

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After school, Kali and Bonnie decided to go to Kali's home and get ready to get to Miranda's house. , What are gonna wear?" Bonnie asked Kali as she jumped on Kali's bed. , I have no idea" Kali chuckled and opened her closet. Bonnie looked and gasped. , I have an idea" Bonnie grinned. , Oh no, that can't be good" Kali joked. Bonnie rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed some jean shorts and a dark red top. She then turned to look at Kali and gave it into her hands. , Try it!" Bonnie said with a smile. , Okay, you can choose whatever you want from my closet, by the way," Kali said and took off her shirt. , I know" Bonnie winked at her and turned to grab some clothes. Bonnie grabbed some baggy jeans and a dark green top. The two girls turned to each other and squealed. , You look fucking hot!" The two girls said at the same time and then they laughed. , I will do your make-up. Because we both know you can't even do a fucking eyeshadow" Bonnie said and grabbed a make-up bag from her backpack. , Whatever" Kali rolled her eyes with a smile and sat down on her bed. Bonnie did her light brown eyeshadows, and black eyeliner and then she did her mascara, which was kind of hard. Then Bonnie did make-up for herself, she went with light brown eyeshadows, white eyeliner, and mascara. , We look good!" Bonnie grinned as the two girls looked at themself in a round mirror that Kali had in her room. , I think we're ready to go" Kali said when she noticed that it was getting dark outside. Bonnie nodded and grabbed two purses that Kali has. Kali grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from under her pillow and hid them inside the black purse. The two girls walked out of the room and then walked out of the house, before they did, they said goodbye to Yuki and Shuji. 

, Is that fucking Maya and Anna?" Kali asked Bonnie and she pointed at the two named girls that went into a shop. , Yep, whatever" Bonnie said. When they got to Miranda's house they knocked on the garage doors. The doors opened and the two girls hugged the three girls that already were there. A few minutes after, Miranda opened the doors of the garage and Maya stood in front of them. , Maya?" Miranda and Kali asked confused. , Yo" Maya greeted them. Kali rolled her eyes and grabbed two cigarettes for her and Bonnie. She lighted Bonnie's first and then one for her. , When are the boys comming?" One of Miranda's friends asked. , Nine. Like... relax biatch" Miranda answered. , Like the Fields or..." Anna asked. , There's seven of us and seven of them. It's perfect" the same friend of Miranda said. , Isn't one of them, like, eight?" Anna asked. , Yeah, but he's fucking hot" the girl answered to Anna and Bonnie and Kali looked at each other with their eyebrows raised. , I wish we had herb" Miranda said. , Who's got the beer?" Another friend of Miranda asked. , Do you guys drink?" Bonnie asked with a smirk, knowing damn well they don't. , I need to pee" Anna said. , Hey, uhm. Bonnie you want to share beer?" Kali said as she grabbed herself one. , Hell yeah" Bonie grinned.

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