chapter five

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Kali was sitting in the cafeteria next to Maya and listening to their conversation, like always. , I tell you. Barb has been skipping on the beans lately" Anna told Maya. , She's lagging" Maya responded to Anna. , Um Maya" Anna said. , Anna" Maya said Anna's name. , Can you get something out of my backpack?" Anna asked Maya. , Ah, it's like, so annoying, Anna" Maya said as she placed her chopsticks down and reached for Anna's backpack. , Well, fine, don't get it. I'll get it then. I'll get my hands all over my..." Anna didn't finish since Maya opened Anna's backpack. , No. Are you serious?" Maya asked Anna with a smile. , Hell to the 'Na! No! Are you serious?" Maya said as she grabbed a box out of Anna's backpack and Kali shook her head. , Oh, my God! This is Sylvanian Family Hamburger Wagon! And like, I've been literally looking for this forever!" Maya said as she was rotating the box in her hands. , I know. We should definitely do this tonight" Anna said to Maya. , Oh my god yes!" Maya agreed. , Beth, we talked about this" Anna said with a weird voice. , I've talked about it endlessly to you" Maya said with a weird voice too. , We are eating in public tonight" Anna said, her voice still sounding weird. , I don't care. I want French fries in my mouth, while you suck on them too" Maya said and Kali placed her head in her hands with a groan. , Why do you have dolls?" One of Sam's friends said. Kali didn't remember his name. , We don't. These this-" Anna pointed at the box. , These that" the same friend of Sam nodded. , That's not a doll" Anna said. , That no" Maya confirmed. , That's an investment from eBay" Anna lied. , Yeah. Looks like a doll" Maya lied too and Kali snorted. , You're playing with them tonight, and everyone knows it. Ok?" Gabe said to the two girls. , Ok, Gabe. Like what? What are you, the smartest man on the living Earth? Yes we are playing with them, 'cause they're collector items, so why do you care?" Maya answered Gabe. , Collectors' item means that you just kinda put 'em on display" Gabe said to the two girls and Kali snorted again. , Ok" Anna mocked him. , Lady, you're 13" Sam said to Maya. , And?" Maya asked with a mocking voice.

, And you're still playing with dolls" Sam said. , And what's wrong with them, dumbass" Kali said confused. , Um, I saw you with a G.I Joe last week" Anna said. , They're ripped, ok?" Gabe said. , Okay, but you're admitting that you play with them?" Anna asked. , I have G.I. Joes but I don't play with them" Sam said nervously. , Oh my god!" Anna and Maya said at the same time and Kali smirked. , I'm Sam. I don't think I play with G.I. Joes. I don't play with dolls. My name is Sam. I play with dolls, dolls. I play with G.I. Joes. My name is Sam. Sam! Sam! Sam! I play with dolls, dolls, I play with dolls" Anna and Maya sang in imitating voices and making weird dance moves. Kali laughed and looked around only to catch the eyes of one and only Dustin Long. , Shut up!" Sam shouted and stood up from his chair. , Shut up! Hey, everybody! Oh, my God, what's in that box, Maya and Anna? Are you guys playing with dolls? Maya and Anna have a box full of dolls that they're playing with tonight" Sam shouted so the cafeteria would hear him, and the two girls ran out. , Maya! Anna!" Kali shouted after them and sighed as they were already gone and she turned to Sam with a glare that could kill. , I swear to God, that if you don't apologize by the end of this fucking day, you are dead" Kali hissed at the boy, grabbed all her things, and ran after the two girls. But she lost them. Kali angrily kicked into a locker and sighed. , Hey, Kali. Are you good?" Someone asked behind her, making Kali turn around. , Oh... Hi Dustin, yeah, all good" Kali said with a small laugh. , Alright. Do you wanna hang out tonight?" Dustin asked the shorter girl. , Oh. Um... Sorry I can't. I already made plans with Bonnie. But we can go tomorrow if you want" Kali said and looked up a little, so she could see the boy's face. , Yeah, that's fine. See you later" Dustin winked at her and then walked away. 

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