chapter three

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, Dustin is a bitch" That was the first thing Anna said to Maya as she sat down in her place. And Kali who sits right behind them heard it. , A bitch?" Maya asked. , That's what Alex said" Anna said. , You can't trust what Alex says. He's kinda dumb" Kali whispered to herself. , Oh, my god" Maya said surprised. , Yeah, so I really think that you should just go with Brandt. I mean, obviously, whatever you wanna do. But do you really wanna do with the bitch that doesn't hang out with Alex? And Kali already likes Dustin, so, like" Anna chuckled at the end. , I don't know. Maybe being with a bitch is the best thing for me. Look, I like his earing. Shit. And Kali already said she doesn't like him, he's also, like, younger than her. Can't believe they're not friends. They're not best friends?" Maya said to Anna. , That's right I don't like him" Kali said so the two girls could hear her. Well, she lied to them and herself. , Yeah, I mean, obviously, not anymore" Anna said. , That is crazy. Ok. Well, then I don't wanna be with him. I don't" Maya said and Kali thanked the god that she doesn't want him. Kali stopped listening to their conversation when a paper dropped on her desk. She looked around and saw Brandt and Dustin looking at her and then turning around minding their business. , What the fuck?" Kali whispered to herself as she opened the paper, ignoring whatever her sister is saying in front of the class. ' Do you wanna hang out after school? - D.L'. Kali looked at the paper and then at Dustin who winked at her. Kali grabbed a pen, wrote ' sure,' and then passed it back to him. At the same time, Maya's paper was passed to Brandt.

Kali walked towards Anna and Maya when Dustin and Brandt suddenly came running towards them. , Dustin says yes. Dustin says yes!" Brandt shouted. , Brandt says yes!" Dustin shouted over him. , I do not say yes!" Brandt said. , Yes he does" Dustin said. , I do not!" Brandt said. Kali rolled her eyes at the two boys. , Oh, my God, wait. Dustin, that is, like, so presumptuous to think that she's asking you. She asked him" Anna said and Kali looked at her. , You guys, stop. This is like so mean. Just tell her" Becca said as she walked over. , UGIS, biyatch!" Dustin shouted. , UGIS!" Brandt shouted and the two boys ran off while they yelled UGIS. , I'm fucking beating them up, what the fuck" Kali said but a tug on her arm stopped her. , Wait, what?" Maya asked. , Oh, honey, don't you know? It means ugliest girl in school. They're so mean. And they said they don't know why you are wearing a bra, Anna, 'cause there's nothing to go in it. Oh, and Kali, Dustin said he like-likes you. I'm so sorry" Becca said to the three girls. Kali completely ignored Maya and Anna and glared at Becca. , Don't honey her. Look at yourself" Kali frowned and walked away.

It was lunchtime, so Kali decided to go to the eighth grader's section. That's where she's gonna find Bonnie. She walked by some girl that was dancing, well if you can call it dancing. , Oh my god! Kals!" Kali heard Bonnie's voice. , Bon-Bon" Kali said with the biggest smile on her face and hugged her best friend. , What are you doing here" Bonnie said as she pulled away from the hug, but she still kept her hands on Kali's shoulder. , I didn't see you for three whole days and my brother saw you first. Oh, also Dustin asked if I want to hang out with him. And then he and Brandt called my sister UGIS" Kali explained to Bonnie as they made their way towards the table where Bonnie, Shuji, and Shuji's friends sat. , They did what now?!" Bonnie shouted and a few people looked their way. , Shh! And yeah I know, should I, like, I don't know, beat the shit out of them?" Kali asked as they sat at a bench. , No, don't" Bonnie said but then she was cut off.

, You shouldn't be here" one of Shuji's friends said and pointed to someone. It was Maya and Anna. , Get out of here, freaks" Shuji said to the two girls. , Ok" Anna said and wanted to leave. , Fucking leave" Shuji said again. , We should go" Anna said. , Shuji, no. It's important. Stop" Maya said. , Um... They were these boys in our grade, who were not kind to..." Anna was cut of by Maya. , I need you to beat them up, Shuji" Maya said and Kali looked offended. , When I wanted to beat them up you stopped me" Kali whispered-yelled. , Like, it just needs to happen" Maya said again, ignoring Kali. , Why should I?" Shuji asked and then he sipped from his drink. , See. Like I told you he wouldn't care. This is literally, like, the worst day of my life, and he'll probably call me UGIS too" Maya cried out and that made Shuji to look at her. , Did you just say UGIS?" Shuji asked her. , Yeah" Maya answered. Shuji stood up and placed his drink on a table, and Kali stole his drink. 

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