chapter four

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, UGIS is the worst thing you can be called. The list of UGIS's past, they're all heinous dogs" Shuji said to Maya and Anna. , There's a list?" Anna asked Shuji. , Look, I'm not gonna beat up a seventh grader, maybe Kali can, but I can teach you some words" Shuji said and Kali took a sip from his drink. , Um, what do they look like?" Shuji asked the two girls in front of him. , Um. Well, like, um... Brandt, he, like, has this, like, chestnut silky hair, and it's like, he has brown honeydew-" Maya was cut off by Bonnie. , No, he meant his bad features" Bonnie said to Maya with a small smile. , Oh. I think he's like, short" Maya said, and Anna nodded. Yeah. That's good" Shuji said. , That's good?" Maya asked him and he nodded. , And like, Stacy Davis told me that... she gave him a handy when his dad was sick to help him feel better, and she said he's not circumcised, and it looks like an aardvark" Anna told Shuji. , That's what she said" Maya confirmed. , Ok, for sure, you're gonna wanna bring up the aardvark dick" Shuji said to the two girls. , Okay" Maya said. , Ok, this is what you're gonna say. Hey, you porcupine midget piece of shit, I would never touch that aardvark dick with a 10-foot pole, so suck it, bitch" Shuji said and Bonnie snorted. , That's the worst thing you ever said" Bonnie smirked, making fun of her best friend. , You got it?" Shuji asked Anna and Maya, ignoring Bonnie's comment. , Yeah, yeah" the two girls nodded. Maya went to hug Shuji but he pushed her away, making Kali roll her eyes. , This is going to be fun" Kali laughed. , Anywho, I'll see you later, bye guys" Kali said and ran after her little sister and her friend. , Bye idiot" Bonnie called after her with a smile.

, You can do this" Anna said to Maya. Finally, the school was over, and now a few people were watching Maya, Anna, Dustin, Brandt, and Alex. Kali was sitting next to her bag and she was smoking a cigarette. Kali watched as Dustin bumped into Brandt shoulder with his shoulder and gave him a face, which Kali found cute. Kali had an amused look on her face because the two did absolutely nothing. , You midget" Maya said to Dustin. , What are you doing?" Brandt asked Maya. , You midget. Aardvark. You got an aardvark" Maya said to him. , I... I have a dog" Brandt said confused and Kali snorted. , She meant you dick, fuckass" Kali said, making Dustin look at her and then back at the scene in front of him. , You're a piece of shit!" Anna said to Brandt. , Yeah, you're a piece of shit!" Maya repeated Anna's words. , Oh, damn, you're gonna take that?" Dustin asked Brandt. That made Kali choke on the smoke that she inhaled from her cigarette. , Fuck, that's kinda fine, damn it" Kali whispered to herself. , Midget piece of shit" Maya said, now hyped. Anna and Maya were jumping around and Brandt just stood there. , And you got an aardvark dick, and that's why your dad died" Maya shouted in his face, making everyone go quiet. Kali did everything to not start laughing. , Hey, Brandt, are you ok?" Dustin asked his best friend. , Can't believe you'd bring up his dad" Dustin said to Maya. , What the fuck? Come on" Alex said. Now Kali felt kinda bad and threw away her cigarette. , You can't help it if Dustin's a bitch" Anna said. , Fuck you!" Dustin said offended. , Anna!" Kali whispered-yelled. , Oh, my God. My mom!" Maya said when she heard a horn and the two girls ran away with their bags. , Tell mom I'll be home later!" Kali yelled after Maya.

, You okay Brandt?" Kali asked the younger boy. , Yeah" Brandt said to her. , Alright" Kali nodded and then looked at Dustin. She needed to look up since she reached his neck. , You up for hanging out tonight?" Kali asked with a grin. , Yeah, for sure" Dustin smiled at her and the two walked away, going to a local playground. The two were quiet the whole time, but they enjoyed it. , You wanna hang out tomorrow?" Dustin asked the girl. , Oh, yeah. For sure" Kali said with a smile. , Here is my number. So you can call me later when you get home" Dustin said and gave Kali a small piece of paper. , Oh, yeah. I'll call you" Kali nodded. , Thanks for not beating me up, after what I did to your sister" Dustin said and looked down at Kali. , No worries. I guess it was Brandt's idea, huh?" Kali asked. , Yeah. kind of" Dustin nodded. They were together until it was dark outside and they made their goodbyes. When Kali got home, she kissed her mom on the cheek and left to her room, and grabbed her phone, dialing Dustin's number. , Hi, uhm, is this Dustin?" Kali asked nervously. , Yep, Dustin's speaking" Dustin said on the other side of the line. , Yeah, uhm it's me, Kali. You said to call you when I'll get home" Kali said to the boy. , Ohh, yeah. I knew I know your voice. Anyways, I'm glad you got home safe" Dustin said. , Oh, we could walk to school tomorrow if you want?" Dustin said. , Well, I mean, sure" Kali nodded. , Alright just gimme your address" Dustin said Kali said him the address and then they talked for a bit. When they hung up on each other, Shuji went to her room at the same time. , Do you have my deodorant again?" Her brother asked her. , Yeah" Kali said and grabbed his deodorant from her shelf and threw it at his face. , Ouch! You idiot!" Shuji groaned and walked away. , Oh, boohoo, cry about it" Kali said and mimicked him.

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