chapter seven

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Kali smirked as she saw her younger sister drinking beer. , The Field brothers are so hot" Charney said. , Wait. Wait. Which one's the hottest one?" Stevie asked. , Are you drinking?" Anna asked Maya. Bonnie grabbed a can of beer from Kali's hand with a smile. , Yeah, like, just one sip" Maya said unbothered. , Without me cool" Anna commented and Bonnie send her a weird face. , Anna, you take a sip" Miranda said to the blonde next to her. The rest of the girls started chanting and Anna took a sip, well she drank the whole can. , You guys ever done computer cleaner?" Charney, or Stevie? Asked, Bonnie and Kali looked at each other. , Yeah, actually, I have- or my dad has. He uses it for computer 'cause it gets in all the crevices" Anna said nervously. Bonnie giggled a little and looked at Anna with a friendly smile. , We're not cleaning, we're inhaling, love" Bonnie said. , I'll do it if you do it.", Okay.", Okay," Miranda's friends said to each other. , Me, too. If you do it" Maya said and she turned to Anna. Anna nodded. , Should we?" Bonnie asked Kali. , We should" Kali said with a smile. Maya was the first to go. As Maya inhaled it, she blacked out for a few seconds after for ten seconds. Kali was worried for her sister and biting her nails, while Bonnie stood next to her and her hand was on Kali's back to keep her calm. , How long were we out for?" Maya chuckled and Kali let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Bonnie looked at Kali to make sure she was fine and held her hand so she would stop biting her nails. , Ten seconds" Miranda responded. , We lost our minds, you guys. That was crazy!" Maya laughed. , Just you, we didn't do it" Miranda said. , Wait, what?" Maya asked. , You looked so scary. I thought you were a corpse" Stevie said and Bonnie rolled her eyes. , Wait, you didn't do it, 'Na?" Maya asked her best friend. , Sorry. I-I-I... I was gonna... It's just, like, I'm worried about my brain" Anna said nervously. , You promised!" Maya said. , You're fi- You're fine!" Anna stuttered. , So messed up" Maya said. , Guys, it's nine o'clock" Charney said. , Where are the boys?" Bonnie asked. , Wait. It's nine? Can I use your phone?" Maya asked. , Yeah. My brother's room" Miranda said. , Oh, can you tell mom to tell Shuji that if he goes to my room I'll kill him? Thanks" Kali said and Maya nodded.

Bonnie and Kali side eyed each other when they saw Dustin among the boys. , My mom's not home, so..." Miranda said. , Cool" one of the boys said and he and Miranda walked away together. , Uh... Stevie" another boy said and Stevie nodded. , Charney I guess" another boy said. , Sick" Charney said and the two walked away. , Bonnie" a boy named Troy said and Bonnie walked away with him, not without blinking at Kali of course. Maya hopped that Dustin would choose her. , Hmm... Kali" Dustin said and smirked when he saw Kali blush. Maya glared at her sister as she watched them walk away. Kali and Dustin went into a closet. Dustin closed the doors of the closet behind him and turner around. Playfull smirk was on his face and his arms were crossed on his chest. , So that's why you couldn't go out, huh?" Dustin asked as he stepped closer. , Yeah, I didn't know you'll be here" Kali said nervously. , I didn't know eaither" Dustin chuckled and placed his hand on her waist and cheek. , Can I?" Dustin asked her and Kali nodded. Dustin closed the space between their lips. They fit each other perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. Dustin turned the girl around and made her back up, so her back would hit the doors of the closet. Kali placed her hand on his chest and the other on the back of his neck so she could bring him closer. , Guys! My mom's here!" Miranda banged on the doors of the closet, making the two jump. , That was nice" Dustin said and the two walked out. When the boys climbed out of the window, Dustin turned to look at Kali. , We'll finish this later, yeah?" Dustin said and Kali nodded with a smile. Bonnie looked at her and wigled her eyebrows. , You will tell me details" Bonnie pointed at her and Kali nodded. 

Miranda's mom walked in, and the girls greeted her. , Hi. How's your girl's night?" Ms. Harris asked. , Good" the girls answered. , Um, just playing cards" Miranda added. Ms. Harris looked on the ground and then she picked up a can of beer. , What's this? Whose beer is this?" Ms. Harris asked and then she looked at Maya and got close to her face. , Did you drink this beer?" Ms. Harris asked. , No." , Don't lie to me" Ms. Harris said. I'm not" Maya said. , Is that my coat? Come here. Come here. Let me smell your breath" Ms. Harris said. Bonnie needed to get Kali out of the house so she wouldn't do something. Kali didn't like the way Ms. Harris treated her sister. Then the two best friends made their way to their homes. Kali sneaked into her room and flicked the lights on. She almost screamed when she saw Dustin who was lying on her bed with a comic in his hands. Dustin looked up at her and smiled. , Your mom is a nice lady" Dustin grinned. , What- What are you doing here?" Kali asked the boy. Dustin placed the comin on her nightstand and stood up. , Oh, you know... I said we will finish, didn't I?" Dustin said with a smirk and Kali blushed. , By the way, you look pretty when you're blushing" Dustin smirked at the smaller girl. , Shut up" Kali mumbled with a smile. Then they heard her sister and mother yelling at each other. Anyways, let's say that the two spend making out with each other, and Kali needed to kick Shuji out of her room few times.

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