Part 7

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Harry and Hermione have now been at the Leaky Cauldron for practically the remainder of the summer they did have a run in with the likes of Nevil, Luna, Fred and George but unfortunately they also had a run in with Ronald, the siblings didn't forget and won't ever forget what they found out when it came to the four manipulators, Ron was going on about how Harry and to a less extent Hermione should come along with his family to the Quidditch World Cup in the beginning Harry would have loved to go but with what he and Hermione learned they decided that it was best not to go not only that but this was further proven when there was a report of death eaters attack the world cup no major details where released most likely to not cause mayhem.  Whilst reading up on etiquette on how a lord and lady of a most noble and ancient house should be Harry was finding it quite interesting as for Hermione she was on the fence about it as when it came to house elves she was a person who was all against slavery but after looking into it she then realised that house elves both love to work and need the magic of their masters to live without it they would die, this was something that Hermione had to adjust to slowly but she did in the end.

It was now the 31st of August and both Harry and Hermione where wondering through Diagon Ally looking for some clothes that they could wear not only whilst visiting hogsmeade but also clothes that fitted where they come from, whilst looking for clothes they heard a couple of voices from behind them "Well if it isn't the golden boy and the bookworm herself.." the siblings turned around and saw Draco and two other people who he did not know all to well Hermione on the other hand knew who the two other where one was Daphne Greengrass a smart Slytherin student who had the nickname the Ice Queen the other was Blaise Zabini who was quite during lessons but continued to get top marks in everything he did,  before speaking Harry remembered that due to who Draco was and what he was calling him by his second name only has highly disrespectful 

"Draco what do you want?" stunned at what Potter just said Blaise decided it was best to say something "Well Potter we where coming here to buy some new school robes and some extra bits before we go back to school tomorrow what about you and Granger." "Well Blaise me and Hermione where here to get some casual clothes for whenever we were not doing any school work" to say the three Slytherins where shocked was an understatement as not once would they think that Harry Potter, Dumbledoor's golden boy would speak so level headed towards anyone who was associated with green, sliver and snakes. But before Harry and Hermione could leave the last Slytherin spoke "Well where's the third?" Harry and Hermione turned around and asked gave Daphne a her a face that looked as if who are you talking about, "I said where is the weasel" she was smirking when saying this as she thought that she struck a nerve but what she didn't realise was how wrong she was. Rather then letting Harry do all the talking Hermione decided to speak instead and what she said not only made Daphne lose that smirk but also have the three Slytherins question what has happened. "We have decided to cut ties with that specimen for the foreseeable future we won't go into much to detail about what happened we we leave that to you to think about." 

After saying all that in a calm manner the siblings finally left after getting what the went for but they also left some question struck Slytherins. Nothing else happened though out the day and when the got back to the leaky cauldron they decided that they would have to have a talk.

 "Harry, regarding us now being sister and brother how would it be best to tell people?" "What do you mean?" Harry asked "Well now that my name has is now Hermione Potter my name is bound to be said in a register and we'll people may get the wrong idea of us being together" now catching on Harry decide to think for a moment and then came up with an idea "What if at the start of term when we have the great feast we ask professor McGonagall if we can make an announcement." Hermione though about it and and decided to go along with it however nothing ever goes right in Hogwarts...

September 1st

It was now September the first and both Harry and Hermione where up and ready they decided to have a light breakfast as they went to platform 9 3/4 by floo once arriving at 10:15 they decided to find a compartment that hopefully Ron would not come to that being a compartment that was close to where all the Slytherins would go. It wouldn't be until another 20-25 minutes until the train started to fill up no one ever knocked on the compartment they where in and they where quite happy as they where both reading books that belonged to them and their family Harry reading his mother's diary and Hermione reading what it means to be a Potter both where to engrossed in what they where reading they didn't realise that at the compartment door was one Draco Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass after clearing his throat rather loudly only then did Harry and Hermione turn around to see them 

"Oh sorry we didn't see you there Draco and Miss Greengrass what can I do to help you with" as Harry said this Draco decided that he would do the talking "Well Potter I'm surprised to see you and the bookworm so close to where all the Slytherins are why is that" "Well firstly is was so me and Hermione would be able to read quietly and secondly as you know we have cut ties with Ronald however he doesn't know yet so what best place to go to stay away from him non other then right near where all the Slytherins would be" 

Draco was shocked no flabbergasted at what the Potter boy just said not only was it a cunning way to get rid of someone but also a sly trick worthy of being from Slytherin but before Draco could say another word Daphne decided to speak 

"Well actually Potter their is something that you can help us with" "and what would that be Miss.Greengrass" "Well Potter due to there being first years coming most of the compartments are full including the one that we usually stay at so would of be alright if we joined you in your compartment" after saying that both Harry and Hermione had wide eyes the Prince of Slytherin and the Ice Queen themselves wanted to join the compartment they where In before either of the siblings spoke Harry remembered that in his mother's diary she was friends with Narcissa and later Ashley both later being a Malfoy and Greengrass respectively. "By all means Miss.Greengrass as it would be rude to send you and Draco to look for another compartment."

After what was said and done Draco and Daphne join the siblings on the compartment Draco sitting next to Harry and Daphne sitting next to Hermione it didn't take to long until the train started to move and both Harry and Hermione where glad that they didn't have a run in with one Ronald Weasley.  Half way through the journey Harry was just finishing up his mother's diary and what he got to know was quite surprising the one which stood out to him the most being that his and Hermione mother was friends with Severus Snape. Draco however was simply sleeping and when he was awake thinking, simply thinking about the resorting of students that his farther said was going to happen but also why would Potter and Granger decide to cut ties with the Weasel, Granger was also on his mind but not in the way one would think 'why is she now so calm and letting Potter do all the talking' as for Hermione and Daphne they where simply having a conversation about ancient runes and what it would entail this year but when they weren't talking to each other they simply read all of a sudden.

"Hey Granger what book are you reading?" Draco asked out of nowhere Hermione looked up and gave him a questionable look "I said what book are you reading Granger" "A book" Hermione replied "I know it's a book but what type" Draco now getting a bit frustrated "A magical book" after that comment you could hear a slight giggle escape from Daphne rather then shouting and screaming Draco decided to be sly in what he next said but when he finished his sentence it left both Harry and Hermione shook "So you want to play it that way Granger okay then let me ask you this why does that book say it's the property of one James Potter?"

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