Part 12

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'You have got to be fucking kidding me' that was the sole thought going through Harry's head as of right now, murmurs where flooding the great hall "He's not old enough yet" "He's cheated" those where the words of what people where saying.

Daphne ushered Harry to stand and follow the other champions to the chamber below he was about to do so but an idea was brought to him one that would no doubt prove that he didn't put his name in the goblet.  As Harry rose from his seat everyone was simply staring at him some of these stares where filled with anger and disgust whilst others with wonder, as he took out his wand and pointed it high in the air he began to speak the pureblood children smirked at what he was about to do whilst the professors most noticeable Dumbledore and a face of utter shock.

"I Hadrian Orion Potter hereby swear on my magic and life itself that I did NOT either ask a fellow upperclassman or teacher to put my name in the goblet nor did I do it by myself so mote it be!!!"

Once finished Harry was engulfed by a bright golden hue symbolising that his speech was as done "Well I'm still alive" pulling out his wand once again he said "LUMOS" and a extremely bright light came from the tip of his wand.

Harry was about to simply leave the great hall when Dumbledore practically shouted at the boy that he would be joining the fellow champions he tried his utmost hardest to try and slither his way out but was unsuccessful and reluctantly when down to the chamber with the Professors, Champions, Runners of the competition and finally the Heads of the two respective schools.

As that happened everyone else was sent back to their dormitories Hermione was livid and outraged at her brother well yes but not as much as the board, the headmaster and finally the ministry of magic for deciding to bring back this death game which now so happens to have her brother the only family she has left trapped within it.  The group tried their best to calm the Potter sister down but all was failing it wasn't until it was just Hermione and Draco alone did she clam down.

"Listen P...Hermione I know I'm probably not the best person to be talking to but.."

"Your brother is strong and definitely cunning the speech he pulled of in the great hall was proof of that even though it might of be a tad Gryffindor ish"

As he said that there was a slight smirk appearing on the girls face.

"Knowing Har.... Hadrian he definitely has a plan even if it may be a bit extreme but he will have one thing going for him despite the deep shit he has found himself in. He will survive to see you well and happy because that's the type of person you'd brother is."

Hermione was at an utter disbelief at what was coming out of DRACO Malfoys mouth sure he and her brother were on better terms and being civilised with one another but the way Draco was talking about Hadrian he held it up with respect and a lot of it. Giggling was what Hermione was now doing at this caused Draco to slowly raise an eyebrow.

"Thank you Draco for saying that I guess I was clouded with anger that I didn't realise that Harry now has a family at with that in his mind he will live no matter what it takes."

Simply nodding Draco decided to take his leave feeling good about what he done,Hermione did the same but felt something in her stomach she thought it was a sense of new found respect for the Blonde not realising it could be something utterly different.

Harry was still at the chamber awaiting an answer as to why the hell was he selected, unfortunately for the boy practically every single adult was incompetent and all was said that he has to complete unless he wants to risk losing his magic, which obviously didn't sit right with Harry what do ever, as for the headmasters of the two other schools they simply didn't care for the wellbeing of the boy only that Hogwarts now had two champions which made them have an unfair advantage so to ease their anger Harry came up with an idea which was fully backed by his head of house and ex head of house.

"Can you two stop your bickering it's getting extremely annoying" Harry said cold his emerald green eyes now screaming with magic, "Now you listen here boy Hogwarts now has two Champions and unless you know a way to fix that I suggest you stay out of it!"

As Karkaroff said this he was walking towards Harry but before he could get to the boy Professor Moody got in his way

"Ah ah ah you might want to watch yourself Igor, don't forget what I have done to your 'friends' it would be a same if it also happened to you..."

Talking a deep breath Harry decided to speak once again "So you and Headmistress Madame Maxime are upset that there are now two Hogwarts champions, then I do have a solution" "Eh bien , alors, quelle est ta solution, petit garçon?"

Harry simply smirked when Madam Maxime decided to speak French she decided to spend her native language because she thought that the little boy in front of her would not be able to understand her, but how incredibly wrong she was.

"My idea is that I will NOT be a champion of this school but rather I will be representing the most Noble and Ancient houses of Potter and Black whilst I'm in this tournament." The Professors, Headmasters and other champions where shocked yes at the plan that Harry or Hadrian people who are not close to him call but that he was possibly a Black heir as well as the Potter one two.

"So are you all fine with that plan even if it did come from.." looking towards Madam Maxime "Un petit garçon."

After what was said and done Harry left Dumbledore tried to call out to the boy and so did Barty Crouch but both where simply ignored Harry was about to go back to the common room but stopped and thought.

'If I'm now in this ratchet tournament I will need to learn spells which can give me a slight edge I'm up against students who have a hell of a lot more knowledge than I do I can ask Hermione and my new friends but their is one place which I know not a single person has access to so their for I and I alone have a place where no magic has bee discovered.'

Professor Snape was walking back to the common room which also held his sleeping quarters but stopped Potter making a quick turn which didn't lead to the Slytherin common room so he followed quickly, As Snape was following the Potter boy he questioned why he would be going to the third floor and into the GIRLS bathroom he quietly followed the boy and what he heard was something he had not heard in a long time, a time in when he worked for the Dark Lord which killed the one person he held dear to his ice cold hear.


Once Harry said this Snapes eyes practically popped out of his skull he just witnessed Harry Potter use parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets and in a block of an eye the boy descended into the pit leaving a shocked Snape to return to his sleeping quarters.

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