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Chapter 1 Why is my husband still alive?

    Yukino Yana received the news that she became the head of the Gojo family when she was shopping with Suzuki Sonoko.

    She drank a cup of milk tea excitedly.

    "Sonoko, I'm over the top!" Sonoko

    Suzuki, who was choosing a wedding gift for her friend Mao Lilan: "?"

    Yana Yukino waved a big hand: "Buy whatever you want, I'll pay for it today!"

    Sonoko asked sincerely: "You Are you okay?"

    "Didn't I tell you last time that my cheap husband is trapped somewhere and can't get out?"

    Sonoko thought for a while, and pulled it out from the corner of the lump. memory of things.

    Yuino Yana is the one who married the youngest among her friends. It is said that it is a family marriage.

    Such things are very common in big families. Yukino Yanai thinks more openly, and plays with unmarried people like them even though she is married, which is not like married people at all.

    "I remember, I asked you if your husband is in trouble, and if you want to help him out."

    Yukino Yanai took a fancy to a bracelet on the counter, and the few zeros behind the price did not scare her at all. she.

    She wore the bracelet and looked at it. She didn't like it very much but decided to buy it anyway, as a celebration of being a widow.

    "I bought this bracelet." Yana Yukino turned back and said to Suzuki Sonoko, "It's just that he got into the game. After he got in, the Gojo family split and several factions have been fighting for power, and other members of the Yusan family have intervened , I haven’t been able to get a result.”

    Sonoko didn’t quite understand her husband’s distribution of power, so he asked casually, “Then why is it your turn to be the current Patriarch?”

    Yukino Yanai held the bracelet she had just packed, casually Said: "Maybe several parties can't compete, and they have been pulling each other and don't want the other party to be in the position. They just put me out as a mascot. After all, my husband's family, it's justified for me to be the acting head of the family."

    There are still some things that Yanai Yuye didn't say, and those people are probably afraid that her cheap husband will still come out of the prison gate.

    Those people in the family have been unilaterally suppressed by her husband for too long, even if that person is not around, they dare not go too far.

    Yana Yukino's husband is Gojo Satoru, who is known as the number one person in the magic world. The two have known each other since they were young, and they can barely be called childhood sweethearts.

    Not long ago, there was a big battle between the magic world and the magic spirit. Yukino Yanai didn't pay much attention to it. She only heard that during the big battle, her unlucky husband was sealed in the gate of the magic prison because of his strength. inside.

Gojo, I got rich after being trapped in prisonWhere stories live. Discover now