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Chapter 50 Isn't the handsome guy more fragrant than her husband?

    That friend of Ximen Zong Erlang, Yana Yuno also heard that the second son of the Daoming Temple family, the Reiko family had some business contacts with the Daoming Temple family, but not many.

    According to Yuanzi, the second son of the Daoming Temple family is someone she would not like, not to mention that Daoming Sisi's mother once tried to match them up.

    However, Sonoko already has Makoto Kyogoku.

    The Suzuki consortium doesn't need her to marry.

    The villa where the director of Daoming Temple lives is spacious and large. There is a large garden at the entrance, and many gardeners are taking care of it.

    Ximen Zong Erlang and the three seemed to come here often, without the guidance of a servant, they entered the villa familiarly.

    Daoming Sisi was spreading out on the sofa, playing games feebly on the TV with the controller in hand.

    His complexion was very pale, but he was wearing a thick sweater in the hot summer, and he breathed out white gas from time to time.

    The cyan under the eyes is very conspicuous on the fair skin.

    There was an unspeakable, unreasonable dampness in the whole room.

    Drops of water hung on the glass window, sliding down and dripping on the outside of the window, forming a shallow puddle.

    "Si, how are you?" Ximen Zong Erlang asked.

    The other party didn't raise his head, but he tightened his body and exhaled white gas: "I can't die yet."

    Ximen Sojiro looked at Yana Yu with a calm face and asked, "Miss Yana, can you handle it?

    " It was so serious that it made the other three people jump in their hearts.

    Misaku Ling tentatively asked: "Is it serious?"

    Yukino Yana replied indifferently: "I still can't die."

    Misaku Ling: "..."

    So what's going on?

    Daoming Temple Secretary noticed the stranger who followed Ximen Zong Erlang and the others. His tone was not very good, and he was irritated, but he did not go for Yukino Yana.

    He was not someone who could suppress his emotions, what happened to him made him look a little irritable.

    "Who are you?"

    "You don't have to worry about who I am."

    Yukino Yanai looked through the window and looked at a corner of the garden.

    Daoming Temple Secretary shook his body: "You can see a woman standing there, right!"

    His mental state is not very good, and he can't sleep well these days.

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