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The sun has fully rose by the time they come back.
Xavier opens the school's door as shrek proposes to take him back to his dorm.

They go up the stairs and arrive in front of his room.

"Sorry for waking you up so early. We still got 30 minutes before class if you wanna sleep more."

"Yeah im going straight back to bed."

Xavier pushes to door open, as he turns around to say goodbye to shrek. he finds him with a weird expression on his face. Shrek is looking inside his room. Is it that messy ?
"Woah." Says shrek "you drew me ?"

Drew him ? He never did th-
Xavier looks in same direction as is friend and realizes in choc that the drawing he made after y/n's death is none other than a portrait of shrek.

Blood runs to his cheeks "i- i didnt even realize what i was doing. Just get out and forget what you saw"

Xavier pushes him away and closes the door.

"I aint forgetting that !"

"Its too pretty !!" He hears from behind the door.

Never has xavier been more embarrassed than what just happenned right now.

He makes his way to his bed and lays down on it. He gets his Phone out of his back pocket and looks at the texts he got.

*study in the library today !!!<3<3<3 ;))* sent enid.
This text is followed by a thumbs up send by wednesday to which enid responded an abnormal amount of heart emojies.

God xavier is exhausted. A good 10 minutes of sleep wouldnt be too bad.
And with that said Xavier closes his eyes.

Thankfully he woke up on time and was on his way to the library.
He noticed his two friends and waved at them. Enid waved back and wednesday only gave him her usual death stare.

"hey xavier !! Did you sleep well ?"

"It was alright. Although i did get woken up early."

"Oh yeah ? By what ?"

"Hum... i dont know i just did."

" Oh... well lets study ! That might wake you up à little !"

Xavier and wednesday exchange a look Of understanding that there was no way in hell studying would wake any of them up.

Nonetheless xavier takes his books out of his bag and starts studying.

People come and go into the library, and as xavier gets up to look for a book he sees shrek come in.

Their eyes meet and shrek smiles at him. This newborn friendship is sudden for xavier just yesterday he hated him. so this new way interracting with eachother is catching him a little of guard. He still manages to smile back at him.

Okay stay calm. Its not like hes gonna go talk to me.


Huh ? Where did that come from ?

"Ahahah look here"

He suddendly sees a hand appear in between the books. Thats when he sees shrek looking at him from the other side of the bookshelf.
He seems proud of his joke because he cannot stop laughing.


His head pops on the other side of the bookshelf and he finally stands on the same side as xavier. 

"Its been a while." He smirks.

"It sure has."

"What are you studying ?"

"History. You ?"

"I came here to work on an assigment."

"Oh no ! Please tell me you too wont fight"
Its enid she stands behind us an upset expression on her face and both her arms on her hips.

"Dont worry we're not fighting."

"Oh !"

"We huh... we made up."

Her face brightens up "OH- MY- GOD!! this is so exciting !!"
"Why dont you join us on our little studying date !"

"Date ?" Shrek asks.

"Yes, enid and wednesday, i'd actually be pleased if you could save me from being the third wheel."

"Oh well, sure."

Shrek and xavier sit down at the table and start studying.
They talk and laugh like its normal, like they've never stopped being friends. Its Nice, somehow whithout noticing xavier realizes that he missed him.

The day goes by and for once its a normal one and a pretty good one on top of that.

"Are you going back to your dorm ?"
The two friends walk side by side in the hallway, its already so dark that they can see the moon.

"Yeah defenetly."

"Let me take you there then."

"Im not gonna get lost you know ? You dont have to accompany me everytime." Xavier say as
He smiles at him.

"I know" he chuckles. "I just want to."

"If you say so."

As they go up the stairs he suddenly stops.

"WAIT !"

"What ?"

Hes looking at the Window like he just saw something insane.

"Wait here okay ? You gotta promise, ill be back but wait for me."

"Omg just make it quick"

"Xavier Promise."

"I Promise."

As soon as the words leave xavier's mouth he runs down the stairs and dissapears.
And here he is sitting on the stairs waiting for him to come back.
I really Wonder whats going on in his head sometimes, Xavier thinks.

After a few minutes he hears a big noise followed by shrek running towards him a huge smile on his lips.

Hes out of breath but happier than ever. He sits next to him on the stairs and says "open your hand."

"If its an insect i swear to god im beating you up"

"Ahahaha of course not ! I would never give you an insect."

"Humm... sure." Xavier gives him his hand and shrek places his own on top. Then, as he opens it a flower falls into his hand.

"Its a swampaflower. It grows near my swamp. This flower reminds me of home, and i feel at home with you so... i want you to have it."

Xavier stares at the flower. Aint no way he went back outside just to give me this flower. Right now he's just so- no no he's just Nice. Thats right. Nice and incredibly stupid.

"Thanks" xavier gets up. "You didnt have to"
If he notices that he's embarrased he's fucked.

"Your welcome" he says all smiles.

The day we found each other again. Where stories live. Discover now