Chapter 1

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My black hair covered my eyes as I took my notes on a lecture during Chemistry. Focusing on the teacher, I wasn’t paying attention to the other students. I should have, because the next thing that happens will be the bane of my existence over the next few weeks. A boy, Robert, had, under the pretence of getting water to drink and going back to his seat, dumped his bottleful of water onto my head. Laughter erupted around the entire class. My cheeks heated.

            “Opps. I seemed to have dumped my water all over you, Goth Girl,” Robert said, with an evil smirk on his face.

            I stayed silent. More laughter. My brain was still processing what happened. When I came out of my stupor, the first thing I did was grab my things and run out the classroom; tears in my eyes. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, I just was trying to get away from that god forsaken plane they called Mount High School.

            Why me? I know I wear dark clothing, and dyed my red hair black, but it isn’t like I go around bothering people. In fact, during school I am quiet unless I am by my friends. I am not that different. Looking up from my thoughts, I realize I am on the outskirts of the forest that is behind my school. Looking behind me, to make sure no one followed me, I enter the forest. I walk in enough to where I am hidden by the shadows buy can still see Mount.

            Before I can let go of my things, I collapse to my knees and let out a sob. I just wished that they would leave me alone. Pulling out my iPod, I play the song S.C.A.V.A. by Hollywood Undead. Setting my stuff down, I sit and lean back against a tree, my legs bent and arms resting on my knees; watching the school, thinking.

            I realize, as I wait for lunch to begin, the reason why I am picked on more than anyone else. I am different, but not in my clothes, hair, or personality. It isn’t even in my choice of music. It is because I am a werewolf and they somehow can sense it. My hearing is incredible for any normal human and my blue eyes can see further than anyone else I know at school.

            Pulling out my phone, I text my best guy friend, Jay, to bring me some food and I tell him where I am at. Barely a minute later, my phone buzzes from him texting me back that he would be here soon. He was the only one I ever told my secret to and he accepted me being what I was.

            Jay was already on his way towards me with a box of pizza by the time lunch was close to starting. My stomach growled and I smiled at him. He was tall. His silver hair fell over his green eyes and his already pale skin paled even more with the black clothes and converses he wore. I stood up and the movement caught his eyes; he briskly walked up to me and gave me a tight hug.

            “It is all around school. I had already figured you were in hiding.”

            “Yeah. I don’t think I can show my face again,” I said, eying the pizza box hungrily.

            Jay lifted the box up a little, “I got your favorite; pepperoni, black olives, and extra cheese.”

            I smiled widely, ready to snatch the pizza box and devour the pizza whole, but instead I sat down and Jay followed suit, setting the box between us. Silence ensued as we at the pizza, until the entire thing was gone.

            “Aurora, Robert is just a jerk and doesn’t know who he is messing with.”

            I looked at Jay and suddenly an idea popped into my mind. I smiled evilly, my hands rubbing together.

            “I don’t like that look, Aurora. It usually means you are up to no good.”

            “Oh. Trust me, it isn’t good, but someone hast to teacher Robert a lesson.”

            At that moment, the lyrics, “Better run, better run, better run, yeah, I’m coming after you. When you’re sleeping at night, yeah, there’s nothing you can do. There’s no place you can hide, ‘cause I’m coming after you,” from Hollywood Undead’s song Another Way Out, came to my mind.

            Standing up, I stretched my arms and legs, “He’s going to get the fright of his life.”

            Jay raised an eyebrow at me and stood up as well, “You aren’t thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?”

            “What ever are you talking about, Jay?” I asked, smiling innocently; knowing that Jay saw right through me.

            Cracking my neck, I look at Jay, “Prepare yourself.”

            He nodded, understanding what I was about to do. The sound of bones cracking and shifting could be heard in the silent forest as my body shifted from being human into being a wolf. My black hair changed to white and shortened, and my clothes changed into white fur. My already blue eyes faded into a paler blue. For other werewolves, the shift was long and painful, but I had the benefit of being the Alpha’s daughter. The shift for me was painless and took less than thirty seconds. Jay stood there and watched, still not as comfortable with my shifting into a wolf yet. He picked up my bag and the pizza box from the ground.

            “I think you should wait until after school,” he said. I looked at him, he raised his hands, “All I’m saying is that I don’t think the school would take a wolf coming into the building too lightly. What if they call animal control and kill you or something? Not only that, but you are a pure white wolf coming from a forest, in Washington State. It would raise too many questions!”

            I huffed, relenting, shifting back into my human form, completely clothed, “Party pooper.”

            “After school, Aurora, there is only an hour left, and then football practice, and you know they come down here for that. Scare him then. But for now, let’s go back to school.”

            Jay was always the smart, calm, voice of reason behind all of my schemes. I don’t know where I would be if he hadn’t talked me out of some of the things I had planned to do in the past; an insane asylum probably. I leaned against the tree, glaring at the school.

            “Fine, but I’m not going to go back today. I will wait until the perfect moment comes from right here, and then I will scare the pants off of Robert.”

            Jay shrugged, letting my bag drop back down to the ground next to me, “Just be careful Aurora. I’m not bailing you out. Anyways, I have to go before people ask questions, and I’ve got to throw this pizza box away anyways.”

            I nodded, then hugged Jay good-bye before he left; watching as he ran back to Mount. I sat down on the ground, waiting, passing the time until school ended by listening to music and playing games on my iPod.

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