Chapter 4

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She took a deep breath and pulled the leaves out of her hair before stepping out of the forest and onto the pavement, Andy continued to follow her, until she was a block away from the school. He gave her a short nod, then turned and left without a word. She looked up the street and saw Jay waiting for her at the end of the street. He waved and she walked up to him.

"I'm not going to be going to Mount after this week." She stated before he could even open his mouth. Her face was grim, his was one of bafflement.

"What? Why?"

"Because my dad doesn't feel I'm "responsible" enough to go to a human school. This time next week I will have to attend Shadow Wolf High." Aurora rolled her eyes, "It's like, even though I'm the one being bullied, I'm the one at fault. It's just so stupid. Oh, and I can only see you in town."

Jay frowned, which was different from his generally cheery attitude, it was odd for him to frown, "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be found out."

Aurora nodded, "Which is exactly why he is even allowing me to talk to you after I leave Mount."

They walked in silence, the sun already peeking out over the clouds. She knew it was going to hot by the end of the day, she was going to have to call Nate to pick her up in the family car. They walked up to the school's courtyard. The cheerleaders were out practicing in the grass, the jocks ogling them. It was crowded with students bustling to their first period classes. Aurora just wanted the day to be over already, and by lunchtime she just wanted to die. Not because she was being bullied- because she wasn't- but because her dad had came to her school.

His tough guy looks had caused immediate reactions by the students, girls wanted to "get to know him" and the jocks, which made up a decent amount of the guy population at Mount, were jealous that the attention was shifted away from them in the female population.

Aurora groaned as she was called down to the office over the intercom, everyone turned to her as she got up and collected her stuff. She heard someone whisper, "Aurora's in trouble.." but ignored it. She left the room and headed toward the main office, her dad standing in front, "Let's go. You are out of this school now."

Aurora frowned, and followed him to the car which was a black Bugatti, everyone watching her slightly amazed that she knows this man, let alone him be her father and be rich. She climbed into the front seat, the black leather soft and comfortable. Dom got in, his movements flawless, and turned on the car. Aurora stared out of the tinted windows, not saying a word as they peeled away from the school.

"You shouldn't have left like that, you are lucky I am going to still let you talk to Jay," Dominic's deep voice cut through the silence. Aurora continued to stare out of the window, her mood and facial expression growing darker.

"Goodbye freedom, hello school uniform," she thought as she stared out of the window. Her phone vibrated, it was Jay wondering what happened, she texted him not to worry and that she would call him.

When they got home, Aurora got out of the car and slammed the door closed, storming to her room, Nate trailing close behind. She went to her room and sat on the seat by her window, her arms crossed, Nate entered the room. He want much older then Aurora, being only 19. His brown hair was long but was kept out of the way of his hazel eyes. He wore a Linkin Park t-shirt, jeans, and regular tennis shoes. Aurora was glad that Nate was her body guard, because he was the only one not afraid to speak his mind to her, or hold a conversation with her.

"You know he is only trying to do what he feels is right."

"What he feels is right and what I want are two completely different things!" She glared out of the window.

"It's better this way and you know it. With the Lightning Pack on the verge of starting a war with us, it was only a matter of time they tried stealing you and mating you to one of their own. Besides, Shadow Wolf High is not that bad once you get past the uniforms."

Aurora didn't say anything, she just continued to stare at the window. She watched the trees sway in the wind and the gardeners trending to the garden. She even watched a group of kids play basketball out in the little park across the street. Nate sat on her bed, behind her, looking at her. He knew better than disturb her now.

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