Chapter 8 - POV Change (Nate)

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        It was an hour later before Nate realized that Aurora still hadn't come back from her break. He excused himself from the girl he'd been dancing with. She shrugged and went to some other guy. Nate looked around. Still no Aurora. He pulled his cellphone out and called Dom. This was not good.

        It rang for a little bit, "Nate, I'm going to wring your neck."

        Nate cringed, he knew he was in a lot of trouble. He would be lucky not to be in pack jail after this, "Uh... Sir... I lost her."

        There was a long pause, "You. Did. What?!"

        Nate cringed more as Dom screamed into his ear, "We were dancing at a part. She stepped out to rest and now she's gone."

        Dom's voice was clipped, the rustle of clothes could be heard, "Where are you?"

        "At the beach. About a mile or so down. You'll be able to hear the music with your hearing."

        "I better not see you partying when I get there." With that Dom hung up. Nate swore, then started to call for Aurora. He hoped that some how she was hooking up with some guy.

        Nate sighed, he knew she wouldn't be doing that. He ran his fingers through his hair. He searched for her, asking people if they've seen her. The most he got was drunken slurs and rolled eyes. He just kept calling for her.

        Dome showed up half an hour later. His presence was strict and controlling, his mouth set into a line. "Alright! Listen up!" He cut the power to the music, "You have ten minutes to pack it up and leave! Nate, Jay, and anyone else who knows where my daughter, Aurora, is stays! After ten minutes, I'll call the cops!"

        People scrambled. Jay looked clueless as to what was going on. Nate stood next to Dom - his head down. It took all of five minutes for people to be gone. The only trace of them left were some red solo cups and other miscellaneous stuff - the bonfire was still raging.

        Dom turned to Nate, "I'm holding you personally responsible for this. How could you? You were suppose to protect her!"

        Nate said nothing, he'd felt horrible with what had happened.

        "And you," he pointed a finger at Jay. "You were suppose to be her best friend. You didn't notice her missing from the party at all? Some friend you claimed to be."

        Jay glared, "And what about you? You're her father! You let her go to this party, didn't you? How is it my fault that she ran off?"

        Nate frowns, he watches the show. Jay was known to lash back when he felt insulted, but Dom was Alpha. Dom never backed down. The two bickered back and forth, before Nate sighed, "Hey! You guys realize that you are putting her into more danger by just sitting here, arguing, right?"

        Dom glared, then let out a breath of air, "Alright. Call the pack's scouts. They'll be track her more easily. And I'm putting you in charge of protecting her when we go to get her back. If she is even harmed slightly, your head is going to roll."

        Nate nodded and pulled out his phone immediately.


AN: So I know it's been forever since I've updated. I hope this is good enough. I have a bit of a surprise next chapter. So here is my question for all you fans out there: what do you think of the characters? Who is your favorite? Who is your least favorite? All that jazz.

I'll update again soon. Promise.

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