Chapter 6 (P.O.V. Back to Aurora)

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"Aurora! Come to my office. We need to have a discussion." Dom's voice boomed from the other side of Aurora bedroom.

Aurora sighed, what did she do now? She been in her room all day since she got home from that wretched pack school. She left her room, moving slowly, trying to be as defiant a possible. When she sat down on get chair in the office, Dom had already pulled out a photograph. He handed it rip her. What she saw almost confused her. There was a couple in it, they were happy. The guy was carrying her bridal store in what looked like the park outside her house. The girl had snow white hair, but get entire outfit was black. The guy was almost the exact opposite. He had brown hair, but with jeans and a light blue shirt.

"I don't get it, Dad. What's the point of this picture?"

Dome gave a small smile, "That is you grandparents. When they were young. Luna and Alexander Shadow. Possibly the greatest soulmates there ever was. Have you been told of it pack's history before?"

Aurora shook her head, she knew that her grandparents were truly a force to be to be reckoned with, but not much was said about them since they disappeared ten years ago. Since then, Dom took over as alpha - being oldest of the children. Aurora just always assumed it was just out of respect of Dom. She didn't really think it was get place to ask.

"Alexander was .15 when he became alpha. Before him, the pack was under tyranny. Children left starving in the streets. Infighting. War. My father saw this. He lived with it for 5 years already, an knew that if he didn't stop it, no one would. So everyday, he trained.

He trained for 5 years; getting better, faster, and stronger. Eventually, he won. But not without injury," Dom reached over and pointed out a large scar going up his left arm. "He killed the previous alpha. Since then this pack has been through a long period of peace. I wish I can keep it going, but I can't. The Lightening Wolf Pack is wanting our land and people. I am keeping you in the pack, becuase they have threatened to take you, and if I didn't give up the pack, kill you. We needed you to keep a low profile, and your actions put you in danger. I hope you understand."

Aurora looked up from the picture she was holding, then nodded, "I understand."

She got up, set the picture down on Dom's desk, then left; lost in her own thoughts. She knew that her grandparents were great, but she didn't know why. However, Aurora noticed that he didn't talk about her grandmother. I should ask Mom sometime.

Nate walked up to her, "I didn't hear yelling, so I'm going to assume you were being good for once."

Aurora stuck her tongue out at him, "Smartass."

"The one and only," Jay smiled his lopsided grin at her.

"You're in a good mood," Aurora said, still occupied with her thoughts.

Nate continued to smile at her,  "Well, because I've got good news."

Aurora looked up at him, waiting for him to say what it was, but he kept smiling that silly smile, "Well? What is it?"

"Your dad gave me permission to take you out into the human world tonight. As one last hurrah."

Aurora instantly jump-hugged Nate, smiling widely, "How'd you do that?!"

"I just appealed to his nicer side. It doesn't matter. Decide where you want to go and get ready. I will pick up in an hour, from your room."

"Oh Nate, I love you so much right now!"

Aurora took off for her room, closing the door behind her, "Time to get serious." She switched her iPod on to a song titled "Moar Ghosts N Stuff" by Deadmau5 then went into her closet. Shuffling through her closet, she stumbled upon a long forgotten dress that Jay had gotten her for her birthday. It was cute to her; all black with the stitches being aqua, the top was buttoned to the side, the skirting was to her knees and poofy, and it was long sleeved.* Quickly, she changed into it. The blackness of it and her hair made her skin an almost ghostly pale. Next, she went to her mirror, brushing her hair then putting it into a loose bun, letting two strands of hair to fall to the sides of her face - framing her face.

She texted Jay, letting him know that she could go to the party that was going to happen at the beach. It has been planned for a month now by the other not-so-popular people of her old school and she had planned to go up until her dad got mad at her. Now she could go and she was excited.

Before she knew it, Nate was there knocking at her door. Aurora opened it and it took him a moment to take in her outfit. Then he grinned  at her.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup. We are going to a party at the beach."

Nate shrugged, then led Aurora to the car. "Sounds fun."

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