Meeting Up

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Jade was more of a simple girl; she earned a good amount of money as a software engineer, but she wasn't the fancy type. Her friend Leigh Anne, however, was the opposite; she enjoyed the finer things in life; she had her own brand and was married to a footballer, so she had the funds to be bougie. Today she decided they would get some drinks at the Luggage Room, a fancy bar in London, and Jade knew better than to try to take Leigh to a 2-star pub, so she agreed.

Leigh, Andre, and Jade were chatting about the news in their lives; Jade didn't have much to say, to be honest; apart from work, she wasn't quite as sociable as her friend. Of course she had friends, but she didn't go out as much.

Her drink was empty now, so she decided to go up to the bar and get some more.

"I'm going to grab something else; be right back," she said, and with that, she left Leigh and Andre at their booth.

The bar was really crowded today and Jade was having a hard time cutting through the crowd.

"What do you want to drink?" Jade heard a woman ask beside her.

"It's fine, you don't have to."

"I'll grab one for myself; it's fine if I grab one for you. Come on, what do you want to drink?"

With the insistence Jade gave in

"A cosmo" she answered. 

The woman easily got to the bar and said "Hey, I'll have a dry martini and a cosmopolitan. Thank you,"  As soon as the drinks were placed in front of the woman, she slid the Cosmo over to Jade. She looked up to see the woman properly for the first time, she was gorgeous, blonde, tall, had sharp features, and magnetic blue eyes.

"Thank you" Jade said, a little embarrassed.

"You're welcome. I'm Perrie, by the way" the blonde said, extending her hand.

"I'm Jade" she replied. While they were shaking hands, Perrie kept strong eye contact, and Jade felt a little nervous in her presence. She had this cool, confident aura around her that made Jade feel a little intimidated.

"Your're a geordie too, right?"

"Yeah, from South Shields."

"No way! Me too"

"Maybe we met before" Jade said with a chuckle.

"Oh, we didn't. I would never forget someone who looked like that" Perrie said, eyeing Jade, who blushed.

"I see you're the flirty type" Jade replied while sipping her drink.

"Only when I see someone I really want to do more than flirt with"

Jade wasn't the type to go home with a stranger, but c'mon, there is no one in their right mind who would have rejected Perrie's flirtatious advances. That's how she found herself pressed against Perrie's penthouse door, with the blonde kissing and sucking the length of her neck.

"Let's go to my room," Perrie said breathlessly while pulling Jade by the hip and kissing her vigorously again.

When Jade woke up, she was a little lost; she didn't know the protocol for one-night stands. Should she leave? Should she wait until Perrie told her to leave? Her questions were answered in a weird way when the blonde got out of the bathroom wearing a robe and said.

"I left some clothes for you in the bathroom; there are new toothbruses on the cabinet, and you can shower if you want. I'll make us some breakfast." She pecked Jade's lips before going out of the door.

During their breakfast together, they got to know each other more, and Jade learned that Perrie was a model and that she was a year younger than Jade. Their moms knew each other back in Shields, which made it even more surprising that they never met. Perrie loved music and also theater; they had a lot more in common than they originally thought.

They were having a really nice talk when Perrie's phone rang. "Sorry, I have to take it. It's my agent."

After a few minutes, Perrie got off the phone. "Sorry Jade, I have to go now. My agent called, and I have to go to this meeting with the creative director for Dior's new campaign."

When Perrie told her she was a model, she was so nonchalant about it that Jade didn't think she was this level of a model.

"Oh, no problem; it was really fun talking to you" Jade said with a smile.

"Babe, we did way more than that" Perrie joked, and they laughed while the brunette blushed a little.

"Anyway, since we both like musicals, there's a new one opening on West End next week. Wanna come with me?" The blonde asked, and Jade was surprised; she thought that this was the time where Perrie would take the opportunity to make Jade leave the house and they wouldn't see each other again.

"Yeah, I would love to" she replied.

Perrie gave her phone to Jade so she could put her number in and they could keep in touch; that reminded her that she had to charge her phone when she got home. Perrie gave her a ride before going to work. Jade now plugged her phone in and saw numerous texts and calls from Leigh Anne. She decided to ignore the texts and call her right away.

"Oh my god, you're alive. Where were you?"

"I was at Perrie's house" Jade said without even thinking about it.

"Who's Perrie?"

"Oh, a woman I met at the bar last night."

"No way! You had a one-night stand?"

"Actually no, we're going on a date next week."

"Wow, my baby is growing up."

"Chill, Leigh Anne, you're a year older."

"So, tell me about her. I'm dying to know."

"Well, she's really nice and funny; she likes musicals; she's very beautiful; she's got amazing eyes... "

"Ok, don't sound so in love already" Leigh said playfully.

"I am not" Jade replied.

"Tell me her name; I want to look her up on Instagram."

"I don't know her full name; I only know her name is Perrie, and she's a model."

"Does she have blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, and a nose ring?"


"Wow! She's hot; well done, Jadey." Jade smiled, even though Leigh couldn't see it.

"Ok, so I've got to go. I can be at peace knowing that you're safe and well fucked."

"Leigh Anne! Oh my god, I'm hanging up" Jade could hear her friend laugh before hanging up.

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