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After deciding to ditch their asshole friends, Jade and Perrie's relationship proved itself to be rock solid. They had never been happier as they were now and they decided it was time to take the next step, meeting the family. The christimas period was the perfect time to do it since they both were going back to South Shields.

Jade being organized as she is had everything ready, Perrie on the other hand didn't so now they were in the blonde's room while she packed.

"I'm so exited to meet your family. Your mom seems so nice" Perrie said

"Oh she is, they'll all love you for sure.'

"My family will love you too. Honestly how can they not?" she said giving Jade a charming smile.

"Months have passed and you're still such a flirt" Jade said with a smile

"You signed up for this when we got together" the taller woman said leaving the shirt she was folding behind and crawling to Jade on the bed. She slided her hands on Jade's uncovered legs and gave her a passionate kiss, as soon as Perrie's hand started going towards the older geordie's breasts, Jade pushed her slightly by the shoulder.

"As much as want to do this right now you have to pack if you want to get to Shields."

"Spoilsport" Perrie said with a pout while getting off the brunette to continue packing her bags.

They decided that they would go to have dinner at Perrie's and go next day to Jade's at lunch. They would stay a few days at each of their houses before going back to London.

"We're here" Perrie said excited. They got out of the car and Perrie held Jade's hand as they went to knock on the door.

"How is my baby doing? I missed you so much" Debbie said while hugging her daughter.

"Mom I'm not a baby but I missed you too" Perrie whined before giving her mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Jade. Jade, this is my mom, Debbie."

"Hi Jade, it's so nice to meet you. Perrie talks a lot about you" Debbie said, hugging the brunette.

"Hi, Mrs. Edwards, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, no need to be formal; call me Debbie. Now you two come in, and Perrie, you'll help me with dinner. Come on."

"But I just arrived" Perrie whined.

"Go to the kitchen and no complaints; come on. Jade, make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink before dinner?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. Thank you"

They both went to the kitchen, with Perrie dragging her feet like a little child. Jade found it really cute how Perrie was with her mom, and she also found it funny to see her acting like this. Perrie and Debbie were like best friends; they got even closer when her parents got divorced.

Perrie's brother, father, and half sister joined them for dinner so they could all meet Jade. Despite being divorced, Alex and Debbie got along well. They were eating and making conversation.

"It's crazy that we all haven't met. Where did you go to college?" Jonnie asked


"Oh, and what did you study?" Debbie asked

"Software engineering"

"Holy shit, you're smart" Caitlin said.

"You can ask Jade to help you on your exams" Alex joked.

As much as Perrie loved that her family got along with Jade, she couldn't help but notice that everywhere they went, Jade was always praised for her intelligence, and the blonde wished that her mind was valued a little more, just like Jade's was. Despite being smart, no one ever suggested that Perrie help her sister with homework or exams.

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