West End

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Jade and Perrie had been texting the whole week; sometimes they would even call each other.

"Awn is so cute that you can't stop smiling at your phone," Leigh said playfully.

"I am not smiling," Jade said, but she couldn't contain a smile.

"So when are you and Perrie meeting up?"

"Today, actually, she's coming to pick me up at 6."

"Tell me I'll get to meet her, please" the older girl pleaded.

"Fine, but don't make a big deal out of it," Jade said, and Leigh Anne squealed. "Also, help me get ready."

Jade got ready, did her makeup, and decided to wear contacts instead of her day-to-day glasses.

"You look hot."

"Thanks, Lee Lee!"

Perrie texted her, saying she was outside, and Jade told her to come up. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh my god, it's her" Jade said, a little panicked and taking a deep breath before answering.

As soon as the door opened, she saw Perrie standing there with flowers in her hand.

"Wow! Jadey, Jadey, this outfit is certainly doing things with my mind" Perrie said with a smirk.

"Thanks; you look great too" Jade said, blushing slightly.

"These are for you" the blonde told her, giving her the flowers.

"Thanks, I'll put them in water before we go." Before Jade could turn around, Perrie pulled her by the wrist and gave her a kiss.

"Now you can go." Jade was a little embarrassed having this exchange with Perrie in front of Leigh, but she would be lying if she said she didn't like it.

She invited Perrie in, and Leigh was on her phone, pretending she wasn't watching everything that transpired at the door.

"Perrie this is Leigh Anne, my best friend. Leigh, this is Perrie."

Jade went to get a vase to put her flowers in and left Perrie and Leigh talking. When she came back, they seemed to be getting along well.

"Ready to go?" The blonde asked her


"Bye, Leigh; it was nice meeting you."

"You too. Have fun, but not too much" Perrie laughed, and Jade flipped her off.

They went down to Perrie's car, and she opened the door for her.

"Well, aren't you chivalrous today?" Jade commented.

"I try my best" she said with a wink.

They got to the theater and were watching the musical when Jade felt Perrie's hand on her tight, caressing her skin with her thumb; it wasn't in a sexual way. Perrie was a very touchy person, which Jade wasn't used to; her past boyfriends were more of the awkward, colder type. She decided to relish the moment, so she put her head on Perrie's shoulder. Perrie turned to look at her and sent her a little smile before looking back at the stage.

The play came to an end, and they had a great time. Perrie took Jade to dinner so they could get to know each other a bit more. Watching a play was fun, but it didn't give them the chance to talk.

"So you played basketball?" Jade asked incredulously.

"I did. What do you not believe me?" Perrie asked with a charming smile.

"I mean, you have the height, but other than that, you don't look like someone who plays it."

"You're right though, I only played for like three months. What about you? How were you at school?"

"Oh, it's no fun to talk about me. I was a nerd; I didn't have friends; I didn't go out much.." she said dismisevely

"How did you not have friends? You're literally the nicest person I've met; I would totally be friends with you."

"You certanly wouldn't. You were definitely popular in school, and I was the geekiest ever."

"I bet you were the prettiest geek, though."

"Oh my god, you're such a flirt," Jade said with a smile.

"You know I have to win you over," the blonde replied playfully.

"Oh, so once you get me, you'll stop being so nice. Good to know" the brunette joked.

The taller woman leaned closer to Jade and whispered near her ear, "I already got you, babe." She sat back with a satisfied smirk while Jade blushed.

Their date went absolutely great, and now they were making out on Jade's couch.

"You look great in this outfit, but I can't wait to take it off." Perrie said while she was kissing Jade's neck, her hand was sliding up the brunette's tight before squeezing her ass. Jade moaned, and that motivated Perrie more. She pulled Jade's shirt open, making the buttons fall everywhere on the living room floor, which turned the brunette on even more and she tangled her hands in Perrie's hair.

They were kissing feverishly, and Jade pushed the blonde's suit off her shoulder. They were both in their underwear, and Perrie was leaving kisses all over Jade's body. When she got to her thighs, she spread them open and started kissing the inner side. She got up Jade's body again, unhooked her bra, and took her nipple into her mouth.

"Oh yes!"

After giving both breasts the same treatment, the blonde went down again, taking Jade's panties with her. She grabbed the back of her thighs and put them on her shoulder. She licked Jade's' slit a couple of times before flattening her tongue and pushing it inside her opening, doing in and out movements; after some time, she substituted her tongue with her fingers and used her mouth to suck on the brunette's clit.

"Fuck! Don't stop," Jade said, tangling her hands in Perrie's hair.

And Perrie didn't until Jade came into her mouth and she licked her clean. They laid down for a couple of minutes before Jade suggested

"My room?"

"Lead the way, baby."

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