Birthday Party

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A/N: This will lightly touch on Jade's ED, so proceed with caution.

Perrie and Jade were chilling at Jade's apartment watching a Tv Show. As the episode ended, the blue-eyed girl looked at her girlfriend, who had her head on her lap.

"Babe, tomorrow is Aaron's birthday. Wanna come with me?"

"Yeah, ok. Will you come to help me get ready?"

"I will. Although I would like to get you unready first" Perrie replied with a smirk and leaned down to peck Jade's lips.

They arrived at the party, and they were having fun. Aaron was one of Perrie's friends that Jade actually liked. He was fun and wasn't judgmental of her, unlike some of the blonde's friends.

They've been on the dance floor for a while having the time of their lives, and when they grew tired, they went to the bar. At the bar, some of Perrie's friends she hadn't seen in a while were catching up with her, so Jade decided to give them a little time.

Jade decided to grab something to eat, and since she hadn't eaten in a few hours, she grabbed a little more.

"You know if you keep eating like that, these clothes will have an even harder time fitting you," Erin said with desdain in her voice while passing and laughing with her friend.

Normally, Jade just ignored rude comments, as she always did in high school, but this really got to her. She had an ED when she was a teen, and she almost died because of it. She was very thankful for her mom, who helped her recover.

It's been more than 10 years, and those toughts rarely come to her anymore, but now that she was dating a literal model, she started feeling more insecure, and with all the comments about her apperance from Perrie's so-called friends, the nagging in her head was threatening to start.

She left her food behind and went to the bathroom so no one would see her crumbling.

"Jade, are you ok?" Aaron asked, and seeing her visibly upset, she just ignored him and continued her path.

Aaron saw her get inside the woman's bathroom and decided to go find Perrie.

"Pez, I think you should check on Jade. She ran to the bathroom really upset."

Perrie all but ran to the bathroom, and when she got inside, she heard sniffling from one of the cubicles.


Jade didn't reply, as she didn't want to talk to Perrie about this. All the doors were open except for one. The blonde looked below the stall and recognized Jade's shoes.

"Babe, I know you're here. Please come talk to me." She heard the door unlock and approached it.

"Baby, what happened? Tell me" Perrie said while hugging Jade tightly and caressing her back.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it" the brunette replied, her voice still a little shacky.

"It's not nothing. You're crying; please tell me what happened"

"It's stupid anyway"

"Hey' Perrie grabbed Jade's cheek so she could look into her eyes. "Don't say that; everything that is important to you is important to me. Ok?"

Jade just nodded taking a little bit of time before answering.

"It's just Erin; she made a comment about me, and I just got in my head..." She pauses, and Perrie asks.

"What did she say?"

"It was just about me eating too much" she replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Perrie was absolutely fuming on the inside. She knew about Jade's anorexia and how this comment would affect her. She wanted nothing more than to punch Erin in that stupid face of hers, but she knew she needed to be there for her girlfriend now.

"Look at me Jade. You are absolutely perfect just the way you are and nothing can change that, even when we're both wrinckly you'll still be the most beautiful woman in the world" Jade was happy that not only was Perrie very considerate but her words showed that she saw them together in the future.

"I want you to know that if there is anything I can do to make you feel better, just ask and I'll do it" the blonde continued and Jade seemed to think about it for a little.

"Just hold me a little more." Perrie hugged her even tighter and left a kiss on her head. They stayed there, holding each other, before the smaller Geordie said she wanted to go home.

"I forgot my phone inside. I'll go really quick." Perrie said once they reached the parking lot.

"Want me to come with you?"

"No, babe, it's ok. You stay in the car, and I'll be right back." Jade agreed, and she went back inside. She saw Erin at the bar.

"Hey Erin, I want to talk to you."

"What is it, Pez?"

"Don't fucking call me Pez. I'm sick and tired of you acting like a fucking bitch, and I should have done this a long time ago, but I'm done with you. I don't want to speak to you or see your face again."

"Is this about Jade? She's just too sensitive; I just told her the truth. We all know that she's been gaining weight."

"You know what? I get it now, you're unsastisfied with your miserable and empty life, you put Jade down because only one percent of her personality it's worth way more than your lack of it."

"Come on, Perrie, we know you can do better."

"Wanna know what was the best decision I've ever made?" Perrie asked, looking into her eyes, "Rejecting you." As soon as she said that, she left, and Erin stayed there, trying not to appear phased by it but failing.

"It took you long enough," Jade said as she came back to the car.

"Sorry, I couldn't find it. Now what do you say about a Disney session until we can't keep our eyes open?"

"I would like that," Jade said with a smile.

Jade and Perrie were cuddling in bed with Sleeping Beauty playing in the background.

"Pez?" Jade said, looking up at her.


"Thank you for today. You really helped me and made me feel better. I wouldn't know what to do today without you."

"Yes you would. You know why? Because you're the strongest woman I know and you can do anything, but I'm glad I can be there for you."

Jade loved how Perrie was understanding and how she supported her. She knew that no matter what, Perrie would be by her side, not for her to depend on her but to stand by her.

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