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Jade and Perrie had been going out for about a month when they made it official. Leigh Anne and Andre were the only friends of Jade that Perrie knew, and the brunette didn't know any of the blonde's friends. The nagging in Jade's brain started as she wondered if Perrie didn't introduce her to her model friends because she was ashamed.

Today they were meeting Jade's work friends as the company she worked for was launching new software and the employees could take a plus one. Jade has to admit that they were only friends because of work; apart from Jordan, who was the nicest person in the group, the others were kind of douchebags. The couple arrived, attracting a lot of looks.

"Hey Jay over here" the brunette's friends called her with a hand movement.

"Hi guys, guys, this is Perrie, my girlfriend. Perrie, these are Cole, Jordan, Andrew, and Phillip."

"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you all" the younger woman said, shaking hands with all of them. They all chatted for a while before Perrie decided to go get a drink for herself and Jade.

"Holy shit, Thirlwall! You really scored with that one" one of the guys said.

"Totally, I feel like a total loser now" another commented.

"But you came here with your girlfriend too" Jade replied.

"Yeah, but she doesn't look like that." His response only made Jade roll her eyes. Luckly his girlfriend had gone to the bathroom.

Perrie came back and everyone struck up conversation again; everything was going well until they started talking about building codes, and Perrie was unable to follow up and asked a question, to which she was answered

"It will be a waste of time to explain it." This annoyed her greatly because they seemed to think she was dumb, which she wasn't, but she decided to suck it up because she wasn't about to cause a scene at Jade's work party.

From that day on, Perrie noticed that every time she met up with Jade's work friends, they would mansplain things, talk to her as if she were a child, or downright disregard her opinion on basically everything, and she was getting fed up with it.


The first person Perrie introduced Jade to was her bestie and cousin Ellie; she was nice and welcoming to Jade. She was very happy to see that Jade made her cousin really happy, and she thought they were very cute together.

Perrie's work friends, on the other hand, weren't any better than Jade's; the first time Jade met them was at a fashion week afterparty, no less, and as soon as they were spotted together, the first question came.

"Oh, is she your new assistant?"

"What? No, she's my girlfriend. Jade, this is Erin, and Erin, this is Jade."

"Oops, sorry about that, Jade." Erin apologized, but Jade could tell she wasn't really sorry. Jade already felt really out of place in Perrie's circles, but she was going to push through to be with the blonde. However, not only the environment but also the people started making her uneasy. Erin basically said she wasn't on Perrie's level straight to her face, but now she was able to hear what her other friends were saying behind her back. Jade went to the bathroom and was inside the cubicle when she heard a few people come in. They were laughing loudly when she heard one of them say

"I mean, I think it is nice of Perrie to not care about looks, status and that kind of stuff."

"Oh please! This is just her charity phase. It will pass," another said.

Jade felt like she was in school all over again, with the mean girls ganging up on her because she was a nerd.

As their relationship went on and Jade had to spend time with Perrie's friends, she realized something: her friends were asses to Perrie right in front of the blonde's face, and Perrie's were nice to her when they were face-to-face but would talk shit about her once they left or be passive agressive. Erin was the only more outspoken one, while Kendall, Ethan, Anne, and Hailey would make more snarky comments when they thought she wasn't listening.

It bothered Jade greatly, but she didn't want to say anything, not wanting to be on the bad side of her girlfriend's friends.

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