I Choose you

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A/N: this chapter is the previous one shot in which this book is based on with a few tweaks, so today is an double update.

They've been together now for 7 months, and the biggest hurdle they were still working on was insecurity. Jade thought she wasn't as beautiful, rich, or experienced in life as the people Perrie was surrounded with, and Perrie thought she wasn't as smart or interesting as the people Jade was surrounded with.

"Please babe, it will be just a chill-out dinner. We'll get some pizza and hang out a little," Jade said.

"Do your friends know you're bringing me?"

"Of course"

"You do realize that they don't like me. Don't you?"

"What do you mean they don't like you?"

"Oh, c'mon, Jade, they think I'm just a blonde bimbo who doesn't know anything. Every time I say something, they look at me like I am about to say the most stupid thing in the world."

"To be fair, you did say once that the square root of 144 was 3236." Jade joked, and Perrie couldn't help but laugh a little before looking mortified.

"You didn't tell them that, did you?"

"No babe, I didn't. Anyway, I went out with your friends last week."

"Yeah, but my friends are nice to you now."

"They're fake nice and they look at me like you found me in the dumpster or something. And can you believe Kendall told me I would be way prettier if I ditched the glasses? Like I need them to fucking see hun."

"That bitch" Perrie said, indignantly, "Don't worry baby, I'll talk to her." Perrie came closer, putting her arms around Jade's waist.

Perrie being more outspoken, when she saw any of her friends giving Jade any shit, she immediately intervened. At first she didn't notice the small jabs at Jade, but after the fiasco at Aaron's party, her girlfriend was really upset. Perrie vowed to not let that happen again.

Jade, on the other hand, was always the quiet, shy kid. She got bullied at school, and that was one of the reasons she preferred computers to people. Sometimes she didn't notice the intellectual snobbery Perrie had to go through with some of her friends, but when she did, she wasn't brave enough to speak out.

"Ok, now..are you coming with me?' Jade asked with a pout.

"You know full well that I can't resist you." Perrie smiled at her, and Jade stood on her tiptoes while Perrie leaned down so they could share a kiss. Apart from her gourgeous face, one of the reasons Perrie was a model was her height, which was about 15 cm taller than Jade. She didn't tell Perrie that, but she loved their height difference; it made her feel even safer when she was in Perrie's arms.


"Oh hey, your girl finally came to hang out. No fashion walk this week?" Cole asked.

"It's fashion week, and no, we don't have them this month."

They were set to order, and because Perrie had a swimwear campaign to shoot in the next few days, she decided to get a lighter pizza, so she opted for spinach with a cauliflower crust since it is lower in fat. That brought on a few unfunny jokes from Jade's friends about her not eating because she was a model.

When they started talking about work Perrie didn't understand a single thing, and she felt kind of bad for it. She knew she wasn't dumb, but thats what she felt like in those types of settings. Anyone could tell she was lost, but Cole, being the douche he is, decided to comment on it.

"You know we can talk about makeup or something if you want to."

Jade has had enough. Perrie has always defended her, and its time she grew some balls and did the same.

"Don't fucking treat her like she's stupid. I'm tired of you being an asshole you would be way nicer if you just shut the fuck up."

Everyone was a little shocked. The usually sweet and innocent Jade just swore like a sailor and seemed legitimately angry.

"C'mon, Jade, I'm sure she can take a joke" he insisted.

"I was about to say that your girlfriend can take one too, being with you every day, but then I remembered you don't have one."

Jordan almost spat out his drink. "Cole, you could've gone to bed without that one" he said.

"It's fine, I can take a joke, unlike these two." He said so, but he seemed really bothered by it. Jade decided it was enough and whispered to Perrie that they should go. They both got up, but before getting out, Jade called him.



"Your little dick energy is showing. It's unnatractive to women" she got out in time to hear her friends laughing. Perrie was laughing too, and seeing her laugh, Jade couldn't help but join in.

"Oh my god babe, you're so funny" Perrie said, calming down while they walked to their car in the parking lot.

"I don't even know where all of that came from" Jade said, surprised at herself.

"I like your sassy side. It's kinda sexy," Perrie said, pressing her against the side of the car with both hands on her hips while Jade put her arms around her neck.

"Oh really?" She said, leaning up

"Really" Perrie said, and they closed the gap between them.

That night they decided if they wanted things to work out for the two of them, they would have to say a big fuck off to anyone who judged their relationship, and thats exactly what they did.

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